Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sound Healing with Tibetan Bowls

Sound healing is rapidly gaining recognition internationally as an integral part of the healing process for cancer patients. It has also been effective in relieving pain and in the treatment of stress related afflictions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, insomnia, pain and depression. Mainstream medical teaching facilities like Duke University and the University of North Carolina have added programs that link body/mind and spirit to the treatment of cancer. Cancer Prevention centers are utilizing sound as a vital part of the healing process for patients with astounding results.

I, like many healers believe that illness is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body; an imbalance in the cells or a given organ and that healing can be achieved by restoring the normal vibratory frequencies of the diseased, out-of-harmony parts of the body. Vibrational healing, especially with sound is a potent way of restoring the body to its' normal vibratory frequency.


All matter is energy vibrating at different rates and by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. In this case the healing process is initiated by entraining our brainwaves and creating sympathetic resonance with the perfect vibrations of the bowls. When we add intention to the frequency, the healing potential is increased even more. That intention can be through prayer, chanting, and even silent focused attention, but declaring it in an audible manner is best.

Another way of saying that is the fundamental state of the universe is a state of absolute harmony. Our core state, because we are part of the natural universe is also one of harmony and great ease. When we disconnect from our core state through stress, distraction, illness and the challenges of daily life, it creates dis-ease: spiritual, physical and mental. Sound from the Tibetan bowls gently nudges us back to our natural state of blissful tranquility and alignment.

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in NY has been using sound, including Tibetan Bowls, Crystal bowls and Chanting in work with cancer patients for many years. "If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals o n a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."

According to an article in Spirituality and Health magazine Dr. Gaynors' research shows that the sound vibration of the bowls affects the disrhythmic motion found in cancer cells and cause a harmonious transformation. In a blind study he found that there was a 50% shorter recovery time from chemo patients for those who used the bowls regularly and that when bowls were used in the early stages of cancer, during consultations with patients, their level of anxiety and stress was greatly reduced.

Imagine how making a solid, well thought out decision about ones future would be improved in a context void of stress and anxiety. Imagine also how the ability to repeatedly connect with that sense of tranquility during the discomfort of chemotherapy increases the quality of life for cancer patients.

Research by Dr. David Simon, medical director of neurological services at Sharp Cabrillo Hospital in San Diego and medical director at the Chopra Center found that chants are chemically metabolized into 'endogenous opiates', that act on the body as internal painkillers and healing agents.

In my own research with sound using biofeedback equipment I found that the harmonics produced by the Himalayan (Tibetan) Singing Bowls have transformative abilities (brain activity, heart rate and body temperature have diminished during sessions) creating a deeply peaceful state of being while energizing the brain.

Biofeedback is a scientifically valid measurement devise used to help individuals gain voluntary control over several different Autonomic Nervous System functions. Research has shown that when breathing and heart rate are in synch this produces a resonant frequency in the body (similar to the resonance being produced by the Tibetan bowls). This is extremely beneficial for the heart and the entire body. Stress related disorders, pain, and many other disorders are predicted by whether or not a person is achieving cardio-respiratory synchrony. During sessions of Tibetan bowl sound therapy, cardio-respiratory synchrony increased dramatically as measured by J&J Engineered Biofeedback equipment. Data showed that during the sound therapy sessions there was an increase in Parasympathetic Nervous System activity and decrease in Sympathetic Nervous System drive. The relaxation response was initiated and the stress response was inhibited. This means the Autonomic Nervous System was balanced for the majority of the session. The resonance of the bowls produced slow breathing of approximately six breaths per minute which produced beneficial effects on the heart and whole body.

These results are promising in that Tibetan bowl sound therapy increases cardio-respiratory synchrony and resonance within the body. Therefore, there are many disorders that can greatly benefits from the use of Tibetan bowl sound therapy.

My clients have supported the scientific findings with reports of everything from relief from pain and discomfort, clearing of sinuses, shifting out of depression, ability to sleep (for those with insomnia), re-vitalization and clarity, feeling of well being, great connectedness and deep personal transformation. Clients report a fundamental shift in their view of phenomenon space, accentuated clarity of mind and body, enhanced creativity, vigor, joy and sense of peace."

It is important to look at what healing really is and what the difference is between healing and curing. A cure is the "complete biological resolution of a diseased state", according to Dr Gaynor in his book "The Healing Power of Sound". Healing, however has more far reaching implications that occur on emotional, spiritual and physical levels. It is a regenerative process married to a spiritual awakening that can have profound consequences on illness, disease and all aspects of our lives.

Himalayan or Tibetan Singing bowls have been traced to the shamanistic Bon tradition which predates Buddhism by thousands of years. Dr. Gaynor mentions in an article in Shamans Drum magazine that the reason sound (and chanting) are still used in shamanistic cultures is that the sound induces trance states of consciousness conducive to healing. The ancient Himalayan Bowls are made from a consecrated seven metal alloy which, when skillfully stimulated, produce five individual and simultaneous tones, each at its own consistent frequency, which vibrational-ly dance with each other. The raw materials were collected, smelted and purified, cast, reheated and hammered into shape and tone. Mantras or sacred chants were sung and infused intent into the bowls. Their sound synchronizes sentient brain waves and creates a therapeutic effect upon the mind/body realization. .

Singing Bowls, produce the primordial sound of 'AUM': The fundamental utterance of energy metamorphosing into matter. They alter space, mind and time; awakening cellular memory and healing the energy body. The act of listening to their captivating overtones effectively stops one's internal dialog, the 'Monkey Mind'. The individual is transported into a space of tranquility and balance where the 'Universal Chord', found within each self, is touched, joined with and understood. The Universal Chord if you will, that is the primordial substance from which our whole reality is made and from which our Universe originated. Although the vibrational energy of the bowls can be directed to a specific area for healing purposes, they work more on a fundamental level.

These instruments are used within meditations and physical vibrational healing techniques. Their harmonic resonance is used to:

- reduce stress and pain

- balance energy

- create vitality synchronization and spontaneous healing.

- effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state. (trance induction)

- meditation

Diane Mandle is a Certified Sound Healer based in Southern California. She maintains an integrated Body/Mind private practice and conducts presentations and concerts nation wide on healing using the Himalayan bowls. She can be reached at 760-944-3441 or Her CD "Return to OM" is available on her website at


Spirituality & Health, Aug 2003

Shaman's Drum, Number 63, 2002

Richard Rudis (Sacred Sound Workshops)

Johathan Goldman, "Sound Healing"

Sound Healing with Tibetan Bowls


Three Most Popular Weight Loss Diets

Losing weight and dieting has become the order of the day in the world we live in.

It's either some one wants to lose weight or is on a diet for various reasons. People are nowadays using different diets to lose weight in a short period of time. Of the many that are available, only a few weight loss diets have effective results.


There are a lot of diets that are popular either because of the problems associated with them or because they actually work. Here we will look at 3 weight loss diets, with positive popularity, created by different people. The, which is in no particular order, list stands to be corrected as there are thousands of them out there that are also effective.

South Beach Diet: this is a popular diet by Dr. Arthur Agatston of Mt. Sinai Hospital, South Florida. The diet was initially meant for overweight patients with heart illnesses. The diet was not only helping patients in their general well being, but it also contributed in their weight loss.

Ever since, the diet has been adopted by many people to assist them in weight loss as they eat food they like. The diet includes chicken, fish, healthy fats and whole grain meals. The diets uses three phase which are; phase one or the induction, for two weeks, phase two which is the reintroduction of foods limited in the first phase then phase three which is leaning how to live around the diet in phase two. The only limitation in this diet is the high prices of some food items.

Hollywood Cookie Diet: it is another popular weight loss diet that replaces your daytime meals with special cookies. The cookies have the essential nutrients you need in your body. The diet works on a principle of low carbohydrates as it recommends less than twenty grams of carbohydrates to be consumed in a day. Cheese and meat are not restricted but vegetables, pasta and bread are either limited or restricted because of their high carbohydrates content.

The Zone Diet: this is among the easy diets to follow. It is based on a balanced intake of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% proteins. The diet is aimed at controlling the insulin produced in the body and differs from other diets because it allows the consumption of unrefined carbohydrates and fats like those contained in nuts, olive oil and avocados.

Different diets will work for different people but these seem to have a massive following. A lot of people are in search of a working diet to lose weight, if you are such, feel free to choose from these three and see whether they will work for you. Be patient and follow the diet's plan or you will not get the desired results.

Three Most Popular Weight Loss Diets


Hcg Diet - A Step By Step Guide To Having A flourishing Diet

For the past few years I have helped thousands of population seeing to lose weight using the Hcg diet. During this time I have heard hundreds if not thousands of questions and a lot of those are 'How does the Hcg Diet work?'

diet tea

The diet works in 3 phases beginning with the loading days. Everyone loves the loading days! For 3 days you can eat all the foods you wish, the fattier the better. This is an valuable part of the diet, you need your body to feel overloaded, the more you load the best the outcome of the diet. Do not worry about gaining a concentrate of pounds During this process, this is general and you will lose it within a concentrate of days. population who resolve not to load properly in fear of gaining weight find that the weight does not fall off the body in any place near as much as they like. This is because when your body feels full it will try to burn off the fat much quicker so throughout the diet your body will be helping you accomplish your goal. During this time you will also be taking the Hcg Drops. These drops are to be taken 3 times a day, 10 drops each time, 20 minutes before each meal. We also contribute a oral syringe for you so you can take the exact number of drops required.


Phase 2 is where the excitement begins. On day 4 you lower the number of fat you eat each day to 500 calories. It is valuable to eat 500 fat worth of food each day. The Hcg drops will cut the hunger you feel and many population feel that by eating less they will lose weight faster. This is untrue. To continue weight loss at colse to 1 pound per day you need to feed your body the full 500 fat so it can continue burning fat. Eating more than the 500 fat any way will start to work against you and you will begin to lose less.

The 500 fat can be eaten from an beloved foods list. These foods have been found to help you throughout your diet and also withhold your body. We also contribute many dissimilar recipes for you to help you get the best and tastiest food for your diet. These recipes are for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also a few snacks for you between meals.

One very valuable part During phase 2 is drinking enough water. To work out how much water to take divide your weight in half and turn it from pounds to ounces. (I.e. 200lb / 2 = 100lb changed to ounces = 100 oz) This is vital to the success of the Hcg diet. Many population like to add a little flavor to their diet and can do so only by using Stevia. There are other products out there any way Stevia is the only one not to include any ingredients that can negatively sway your diet.

As there are 2 dissimilar diet plans, either 21 day or 40 day plans phases 3 starts at dissimilar times. For a 1 day schedule on day 25 you will begin phase 3 and on a 40 day schedule you begin phase 3 on day 44.

Phase 3 helps you start to mouth your new self. This is to help stop gaining the weight back. During this phase you will stop taking the drops. You will continue the 500 fat diet without the drops for 3 days (it takes 3 days to expel the Hcg drops from your body). After the 3 days are completed you can start moderately adding fat to your diet from an beloved (and enlarged from phase 2) foods list. You can growth your diet to 1200-1500 calories.

If you plan on losing added weight you can start a new round of the Hcg diet after phase 3 has been completed. Never go longer than 40 days on phase 2 without completing phase 3.

Hcg Diet - A Step By Step Guide To Having A flourishing Diet


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Alternative For Diet Ingredient Ephedra

Ephedra was originally used in Chinese medicine to treat hay fever and asthma for thousands of years. It wasn't until the 21st century that ephedra was introduced to the mainstream diet scene in America. Ephedra was widely used as a stimulant and thermogenic. Dozens of dietary supplement manufacturers jumped on the opportunity to add this wonder drug to their product. Ephedra helped many dieters experience dramatic results in weight loss by increasing the heart rate and metabolism.

It seemed that ephedra was on track to becoming the answer to the obesity problem in America. However, over the course of a few years dozens of ephedra related side effects were being reported. These reports would eventually get strong attention by the FDA. The side effects ranged from skin reactions and headaches to heart attack, stroke, and even death. In 2004, the evidence against ephedra was insurmountable and the FDA was forced to ban the sale of ephedra-containing dietary supplements. As predicted, appeals from ephedra supplement manufacturers were attempted but would ultimately fail. As of August 2006, the sale of ephedra based diet supplements is still illegal.


So, where did this leave dieters? Even with the negative side effects, and the fact ephedra was illegal, many dieters would still try to get there hands on this diet drug. Since Aug, 2006 a viable, safer alternative was being researched. I've spent some time researching alternatives to ephedra and all paths lead to Advantra Z also known as bitter orange. Georgetown University Medical Center and the McGill Nutrition / Food Science Center at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal have performed studies on the safety and effectiveness of Advantra Z. It's been documented that Advantra Z has been shown to increase fat-burning and speed up the metabolism.

After digging even further I found two dietary supplements containing Advantra Z as its active ingredient. These supplements are called NuPhedrine and Miracle Burn. The NuPhedrine website claims that clinical trials were performed to measure its safety and effectiveness. However, the product was released in 2007 and is, in my opinion, too young in its usage stage to determine any long term side effects. As with any diet supplements, you should always consult your doctor or physician before usage.

Good Alternative For Diet Ingredient Ephedra


11 Day Diet Plan

There have been many fad diets straight through the years. We all remember how popular they were. But in the back of our minds, we knew it would only be a matter of time before the truth came out and they faded away. The examine now becomes either the 11 Day Plan will suffer the same fate.

diet journal

Let's inspect the 11 Day Plan a dinky bit first. We know that you're allowed to exercise while on it, which is a huge benefit and what many other diets don't allow. exercise is imperative to long term success with holding weight off.


The 11 Day Diet Plan has a basic principle of shifting calorie intake based on the day. This coming is supposed to help burn fat instead of muscle because your metabolism won't slow down. With some other diets, you're dinky in your calorie intake, which speeds up your metabolism and burns muscle. With the 11 Day Diet Plan, since you're allowed calorie intake, your metabolism will be slower and you will be conserving energy.

With this diet plan you're allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, which is valuable for nutrition. There are times where you're required to eat a lot of protein, which is good, as it's a muscle builder.

There are claims that if you succeed the 11 Day Plan you can lose 9 lbs in 11 days. Is this nothing else but and truly possible? Yes. Is it potential to keep that weight off? Possible, but not realistic for most people.

11 Day Diet Plan


A Look Into hCg Diet Plan - Does hCg Diet Plan Work?

Hcg diet has been around for approximately 50 years and it has come to be more and more favorite these days. Many Tv Networks including Nbc, Abc, Cbs, Fox News and even Oprah have covered this hCg diet plan. However, this diet is somewhat controversial. Reviews on the effectiveness of this hCg diet are mixed. Many dieters have reported excellent weight loss results via this diet, losing an midpoint of 0.5 to 1 pound per day. Any way like many other diet plans, some say that this diet hasn't worked for them.

diet coke

So what is hCg diet plan? The diet was originally created by a preeminent British physician, Dr. Atw Simeons back in 1950s. He completely studied the effects of using the hCg hormone as a weight loss aid among his obese patients, and found out that hCg, a natural hormone that is gift in human body, can cause human body to metabolize the abnormal fat stores and reset the hypothalamus. With the combination of daily hCg injections and a 500-calorie-per-day diet, people can lose critical weight fast and keep the weight off for life (of course a salutary life style is required).


The hCg weight loss is reported to be especially sufficient for those who have been struggling with weight problems for years and want to lose a serious number of weight (over 20 pounds). Since its creation, thousands of people have turn to this diet and lost weight swiftly and efficiently. The diet plan focuses on a low calorie diet followed by a small daily dose of the hCg hormone, which results in a faster metabolism, so your body's natural metabolism speeds up, helping you shed off unwanted fat.

One of the many piquant benefits of this diet is that it allows for a quick weight loss. Some dieters reportedly shed off up to 40 lbs in just 6 weeks, resulting in an midpoint loss of 1 pound per day. In addition, this diet regularly won't cause dieters hunger pains or other common symptoms from losing weight quickly. Many dieters report they feel best than ever after completing this hCg diet protocol.

Another selling point of hCg diet protocol is you will not palpate hanging or loose skin from a fast weight loss. The guess for a sculpted physique is hCg hormone burns abnormal fat stores with the combination of a very low calorie diet, so dieters lose the fat but not the muscle tone. In order to avoid the loss of lean muscle tissues, dieters are advised not to rehearsal vigorously while on this diet, although light to moderate exercises such as walking is allowed.

Although the Fda approves the use of hCg as fertility drug, it contends hCg was of no use for obesity management, because "there is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction." However, dieters should understand although hCg dieters might lose similar number of weight comparing to those without hCg, they tend to lose more body fat because hCg cause dieters to lose adipose fat tissues rather than muscle or structural fat comparing to other diet programs.

There are rarely side effects reported for hCg diet plan. Although the Fda has not recommended hCg for weight administration purpose, it is legal to purchase hCg. There are many online pharmacies offering hCg without prescription. It is recommended that you consult with a trusted condition care supplier before taking on this diet.

A Look Into hCg Diet Plan - Does hCg Diet Plan Work?


Monday, November 28, 2011

Hcg Diet Dangers - Are There Any Side Effects?

Hcg diet dangers are a hot topic with population who are mental about losing weight with this improbable diet. But are there any side effects that might effect now or even in the future that you should be implicated about?

diethyl ether

Well that's a very concerned questions and it totally depends on which formula of the Hcg diet you are planning on doing. For example you can whether do the Hcg injections or you can use the newer oral Hcg drops to do the diet.


The first formula of injections has been nearby since the beginning. Dr. Simeons pioneered and tested the diet with the injections and deemed them safe sufficient for use with the diet.

But, that was with daily physician supervision and most population are doing the diet at home without direct supervision. So right there you can see there are some problems with the injections.

Also injections have been proven to cause blood clots and even raised blood pressure. That's not good for population who want to lose weight! So even though there are some side effects from the injections it can still be safe to do if you are supervised or very careful.

But the safer way to do the Hcg diet is by far the oral Hcg drops. With the oral drops you simply place 15 drops under your tongue for 30 seconds, 20 minutes before eating. This way you don't have to use injections and won't have any hazardous side effects.

Also with the oral drops you will be taking a lower dose of Hcg and that has benefits of being much safer. There are no short or long term side effects with taking oral Hcg and that is why most population are now switching over to it.

So the Hcg diet is safe with no side effects or many dangers and can be done safely if you effect the instructions. For the safest formula though use oral Hcg drops as that is the simplest, cheapest, and safest for of Hcg.

Hcg Diet Dangers - Are There Any Side Effects?


Hypothyroidism Diet - 3 Steps to Weight Loss

If you've gained weight as a succeed of your hypothyroidism don't panic. There are changes you can implement Now in order to, not only help you lose weight, but also keep you energized and feeling great. If you succeed my 3 step hypothyroidism diet guidelines you Will see a heavy difference! So just relax and read on.

diet rite

Do any of the following symptoms sounds familiar?


o Feeling weak
o Tiredness / Sleepiness
o Dry and coarseness of the skin
o Hair loss / fragile hair
o Poor memory and Concentration
o Constipation
o Depression
o Weight Gain
o strangeness swallowing
o Puffy face and hands
o Stiff and aching muscles

If so then succeed my five step hypothyroidism diet guidelines below:

1.The foods to Eat: You want to go for foods which are rich in the amino acid tyrosine. This is because tyrosine combined with Iodine (more Iodine later) create thyroxin. This is an vital hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

The foods below comprise tyrosine and having abundance of these in your diet for hypothyroidism will have you feeling much good as well as dropping those unwanted pounds.

Chicken breast
Low fat milk
Pumpkin & Sesame seeds

Plus I would also strongly urge you to comprise foods which are a good source of Iodine such as salt water fish, sushi, sea kelp. Ok some of these things might sound strange but you can use supplements like Thyromine to get nearby this. You can find more facts on Thyromine on my Hypothyroidism Help blog (link at the bottom of the page).

Please also keep your intake of fibre in your diet high. This will not only make you feel better, but alleviate constipation, which is a very tasteless side succeed of hypothyroidism.

2.The foods to avoid: This is vital because what we're beyond doubt saying is that having these foods in your hypothyroidism diet will hinder your already sluggish thyroid. These foods are those low in natural goitrogens, for example:

Sweet Potatoes
Brussels Sprouts

These foods can interfere with the absorption of iodine into your body. This can often succeed in the enlargement of your thyroid gland. There have been many studies linking iodine scantness inn diet to hypothyroidism so it's important to know which foods to avoid when putting together your hypothyroidism diet.

3. Speed up your metabolism: There are a estimate of ways you can do this but I propose eating More healthy meals. E.g. 6-8 small healthy meals per day rather than 3 big ones. Yep you heard me right! This will speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine.

Just remember to keep you calorie intake low for each meal. This can make planning your meals a bit difficult but there are online diets available to help you do this (you can see my blog for recommendations) and the results will far out weigh the problem this takes to accomplish.

Conclusion: I hope this has given you some helpful insights into how you can create a hypothyroidism diet to suit your needs, make you feel astonishing once again whilst losing a stack of unsightly weight!

Hypothyroidism Diet - 3 Steps to Weight Loss


Friday, November 25, 2011

What Are the BRAT and CRAM Gastrointestinal Upset Diets?

The BRAT and CRAM gastrointestinal diets are often recommended by physicians for gastroenteritis and/or severe diarrhea.

The BRAT Acronym stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.


The CRAM Acronym stands for Cereals, Rice and Milk.

When a person is suffering from severe dehydration caused by diarrhea and/or vomiting, it is essential to replace the loss of body fluids. Years ago, doctor's recommended the BRAT diet for several days until the gastroenteritis subsided, but now that diet has been replaced with the CRAM diet because it contains more protein and fat content than the BRAT diet.

Symptoms of dehydration include but are not limited to: dry mouth, lack of urination, dark urine, headache, rapid heart rate, dry skin, skin flushing, fatigue, fever, chills, extreme thirst and muscle spasms.

It is also important to start oral re-hydration therapy as soon as vomiting subsides and the patient can tolerate the intake of fluids. It is highly recommended that the patient start with caffeine-free soft drinks, low acidic juices and soup broths to help replace the fluid loss. These beverages are usually recommended for 24-48 hours.

Here is a suggested list of food and beverages to try:

plain oatmeal
rice cereals
cream of wheat
gelatins (jello)
chicken or beef broth
caffeine-free cola
Italian ice's
popsicles (fruit juice or rootbeer flavors)
plain rice

If your symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or if they are accompanied by abdominal pain, blood in your emesis, blood in your stools or a fever over 101 degrees, it is time for you to call your Physician or visit your local hospital or health clinic.

What Are the BRAT and CRAM Gastrointestinal Upset Diets?


A Healthy Pregnancy Diet For A Healthy Baby

It's an old belief that you should be eating for two when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is absolutely no excuse for you to gorge on food. The essence of the adage is that you should eat for two in terms of the amount of required nutrients you're passing on to your child.

Zinc and calcium intake should increase by 50%, and folic acid and iron intake should be doubled. A healthy pregnancy diet differs from a non-pregnant woman's diet in that a pregnant woman is required to increase her intake by as much as 150 calories during the first trimester, and up to 250-300 calories beginning every day thereafter.


The pregnancy diet plan

Your diet during pregnancy must be well-rounded - that is, it must include representative foods from all food groups. Use the USDA food pyramid as your guide in planning your daily meals.

An ideal pregnancy diet must include 4 or more servings of protein, veggies, and dairy; 2-4 servings of your favorite fruits; 6-11 servings of grains; and a minimum of 3 servings of protein. Consume high-fiber foods and those rich in minerals such as iron and zinc.

You may still use salt and sugar but you have to use them sparingly. Avoid foods rich in preservatives. They wouldn't do you and the baby any good. The importance of folic acid, likewise, could never be overemphasized.

The lack of folate in the pregnancy diet has been linked to neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The most critical stages are the first weeks after conception. Women who are planning to conceive are advised to consume 800 micrograms of folate everyday.

If you are a vegetarian, have certain health problems, or have been on weight-control pills, it is likely that your folic acid reserves are depleted - requiring the need for supplements. Vegetarians, especially, should consult with an expert to review their entire diet.

What to avoid

To stay on the safe side, eliminate foods that have been known to cause harm to you or the baby from your pregnancy diet. Raw seafood such as sushi, sashimi, oysters, squid, and the like must be avoided. Raw meat should likewise be avoided, so keep of rare steaks and meat that's undercooked.

A healthy pregnancy diet also should not included milk that hasn't undergone the pasteurization process, as well as soft cheeses. You can include deep-sea fish such as tuna in your pregnancy diet, but these cannot be consumed daily. One important rule of thumb is to eat everything in moderation.

Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided from the earliest moment possible until even months after childbirth. If you need a caffeine fix, then one cup of coffee a day would suffice.

It goes without saying that prohibited drugs are a no-no for all pregnant women. There have been hundreds of research proving how much damage these drugs can cause to both mothers and their babies. In many cases, intake of these harmful substances has led to stillbirths.


Although there is no definitive scientific explanation to cravings, researchers claim that they are our bodies' natural way of taking in the substances our systems need at that time. If those that you crave for are inherently good for your pregnancy diet, then it's okay to indulge.

A Healthy Pregnancy Diet For A Healthy Baby


Elimination Diet

When nutrition researcher Jeffrey S. Bland, Ph.D., needed volunteers to follow an elimination diet-that is, to avoid certain foods with the goal of improving health-he found 106 willing participants in the Seattle area. The group consisted of 92 women and 14 men, ranging in age from 28 to 55. All were considered healthy, meaning that physical examinations and mainstream medical tests had turned up nothing out of the ordinary.

Yet these people didn't feel well. They reported an array of vague, chronic symptoms: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pains, digestive upsets, headaches, sleep disturbances, and lapses in memory and concentration that several described as brain fog.


Mainstream physicians are not wellequipped to help people with such complaints. When standard exams and tests find nothing abnormal enough to qualify as disease, most conventionally trained doctors are at a loss. They may admit as much. Or they may decide that patients with vague, chronic symptoms are hypochondriacs. Or they may suggest that these people see psychiatrists. Meanwhile, the patients bounce from one doctor to the next, looking for answers and getting increasingly frustrated with the healthcare system.

But the group from Seattle was lucky enough to capture the attention of Dr. Bland, founder and chief executive officer of HealthComm International in Gig Harbor, Washington. First, he had the group members complete a questionnaire in which they rated the severity of their symptoms. Then he administered six tests, including one that measures the liver's ability to remove potentially harmful substances from the blood and another that measures the "leakage" of certain molecules from the digestive tract. These tests are seldom used in mainstream medicine, but they are considered standard by naturopathic physicians, who are more nutrition-oriented.

Next, all 106 study participants began an elimination diet. They gave up dairy products, beef, pork, veal, alcohol, caffeine, and foods containing gluten, the protein that gives bread products their spongy elasticity. They were allowed to eat rice and corn but not wheat, oats, rye, or barley. In addition, 84 of the participants took a multivitamin/mineral supplement.

After 10 weeks, Dr. Bland had the entire group fill out the symptom questionnaire a second time. Those on the diet-only regimen recorded a 22 percent improvement in symptoms. That figure jumped to 52 percent among those on the diet-plus-supplement regimen. These people also showed significant improvement on three of the six tests of digestive and liver function.

Confusion over Food Allergies

Some people benefit from an elimination diet because they have food allergies. In a true allergy, exposure to an offending substance-called an allergen-triggers a quick, predictable response. In hay fever, for example, exposure to pollen kicks in a massive release of histamine, a compound that in turn produces nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes.

According to the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, an estimated 2 percent of adults and 5 percent of children experience this type of reaction to foods. In a true food allergy, eating even a morsel of an offending food-peanuts, for example-quickly produces symptoms. Your tongue will likely swell or itch, and you'll get a rash on your skin. You may also develop a headache, stomach cramps, extreme flatulence, and diarrhea. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may result in anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition in which blood pressure drops, the throat swells shut, and breathing becomes difficult.

But the vast majority of people who experience problems when they eat certain foods don't have true food allergies. Jonathan Brostoff, M.D., director of the allergy clinic at Middlesex Hospital in London, estimates that up to 10 percent of the general population has food intolerances, in which vague symptoms usually develop gradually and unpredictably.

Food Intolerance?

Eliminate the Possibilities

If you suspect that you have a food intolerance, you may benefit from an elimination diet. But before you try one on your own, Anne Simons, M.D., suggests pursuing a blended-medicine approach. Start with a visit to your primary-care physician to rule out other potential health problems-for example, an ulcer or colitis. Then consult an allergist or immunologist, who can test you for allergies. If you don't have any, you can follow an elimination diet to help pinpoint the source of your symptoms. Your doctor or practitioner can guide you through the steps.

Elimination Diet


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Visitation Rules in the Hospital

The primary goal of a hospital is to ensure the continued safety of its patients. When you have a friend or family member in the hospital, this is always your first concern.

However, visiting a loved one in the hospital can actually harm that person even if it's totally unintentional. One of the biggest health risks in a hospital is when visitors create problems that endanger the health of patients. Here are a few ways to avoid creating problems for the patients in a hospital.


First, you should always try to ask for a patients' permission before visiting them. You wouldn't want to intrude on a patient who really doesn't feel well enough to see visitors. Some patients would certainly appreciate the company, but you want to be sure before you show up at the hospital. Remember that the patient is the one who is in the hospital, so put his or her needs before yours.

Second, remember to always wash your hands or use sanitizer to keep them clean before touching the patient or handing something to him or her. The last thing you want to do is transport harmful bacteria to someone who is in a fragile state already.

By the same token, don't visit a hospital if you are ill yourself. Contagious sicknesses are especially bad to bring into a hospital. You may end up just making the patient even sicker.

Third, keep in mind that the patient isn't there to entertain you. If the patient is too weak, he or she will most likely just want to rest.

Pay attention to the patient's words and actions so that you'll pick up on signs that he or she would like to have some time alone to rest. Try to stay for only an hour and a half to an hour at a time so that you're not being too imposing. It's advisable to visit more frequently and stay for shorter periods of time than it is to stay longer.

Follow these simple guidelines to be sure that you're not causing any undue stress or harm to a patient in the hospital. He or she will certainly appreciate your sympathy and understanding of the situation.

Visitation Rules in the Hospital


New Cabbage Soup Diet

The new cabbage soup diet is basically the same as the old cabbage soup diet that has been colse to for years. There are a few twists to the new version that make it a petite different, but it is still a very low calorie diet that consists of eating a lot of cabbage. The cabbage soup diet cuts fat by drastic amounts, thus the weight loss is also dramatic. The great results are short lived because no one can preserve this diet indefinitely.

diet pills with ephedra

There is not a claim as to who first started this diet. The idea is to eat as much cabbage soup as you want. You are to eat sufficient to ensure that you do not ever feel full. The foods that you are allowed to eat are broken down so that only a couple of things are allowed each day. Of course, you eat the soup everyday.


Day 1 -Fruit as you like, no bananas

Day 2 - Vegetables

Day 3 - Fruit and vegetables no potatoes and bananas

Day 4 - Bananas and skimmed milk

Day 5 - Beef and tomatoes

Day 6 - Beef and vegetables no potatoes

Day 7 - Brown rice, vegetables no potatoes

Recipes for the cabbage soup vary, but all are based on cabbage, onions, tinned tomatoes, Bell peppers, celery, carrots and onion soup mix.

The cabbage soup diet does work, but the results are very short term. The weight is regained as swiftly as it came off. This diet is often used by citizen who need a quick fix for some upcoming event. The diet is pretty easy and easy to keep up with, but it requires a lot of shopping and cooking. The soup shop well for a few days at a time in the refrigerator. There are many ways to lose weight visit me to find your way.

New Cabbage Soup Diet


Hunger, Eating Disorders, and Family Ties

When I began reading Hungry, A Mother and Daughter Fight Anorexia by Sheila and Lisa Himmel, the complexity of eating disorders really began to sink in. Food-related addictions are like any other addiction, except for the fact that is it impossible to avoid coming into contact with the object of the obsession.

Characterized by an obsessive fear of gaining weight and refusal to maintain a healthy body weight due to a distorted self-image, anorexia is all about obsession, and in fact, has a high incidence of comorbidity with obsessive compulsive personality disorder. It also has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. According to a study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, 5 - 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 - 40% ever fully recover. The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 - 24 years old. The South Carolina Department of Mental Health shares these staggering statistics. It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder - seven million women and one million men. One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia Two to three in 100 American women suffers from bulimia Nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder (Note: One in five Americans suffers from mental illnesses.) An estimated 10 - 15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are males.


Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are to blame for hundreds of thousands deaths each year, with approximately 100 million Americans categorized as obese. Still, 8 million people suffering from an eating disorder is a significant number too. Unlike other addictions, recovery from an eating disorder cannot happen in a vacuum. As Sheila points out in the book's introduction, "you can't just say no to food. At work, at home, on the street, America is a twenty-four hour buffet." To make things worse, "society prizes thinness for women" at the same time as it promotes fast convenience foods at every turn. With the growing national angst over obesity, the plot thickens along with the waistlines.

It is this conflict, like the push/pull in a great novel, that makes this nonfiction book so compelling, and so disturbing. Published last August, the account of a young woman's battle with anorexia and bulimia brings to our attention the many conflicting messages that we give and receive in our family relationships. While feeding our children is how we nurture them from the time they are born; as they grow older, we have less and less control over what, when, how, where, and why they eat. Throughout most childhoods, food is alternately used as nourishment, reward, comfort, bribe, love, punishment, and ritual. In Lisa's family, with her mother's job as a food writer and her father's love of gourmet, food was even a bigger part of the conversation. Whether this was a contributing factor, or just a coincidence, it's impossible to know.

As the Himmel's found when they searched for explanations for Lisa's eating disorder, there are certain "causes or triggers" that showed up on almost every list of factors: society's worship of ultra-thinness, anorexic mother or sister, parents highly focused on appearance, trauma, perfectionist personality, genetic predisposition to the disorder. The genetic predisposition is a biggie. According to Wikipedia, inheritance rates range are estimated between 56-84%.

I have had long looks into the kitchens and dining rooms of two of my closest friends, who have alluded to dark periods as young women when they flirted with eating disorders. One of them fought it off with such gusto, she now refuses to impose any limits on junk food in her home. She resented even the attempts of some parents to ban soda machines from her children's school. The other is incapable of shaking the feeling that with one wrong bite, obesity will not be just her own destiny, but her husband and children's as well.

How much of the heritable factor is due to the environment created and maintained by a parent and how much is due to the genes directly inherited from that parent? And does it matter? Just as it is ludicrous to assume that the patient has control over the disorder, it seems equally so to expect the parent with a similar history to be able to change her own skewed perspective.

There are no easy answers. One friend, a pediatrician, scoffs at the idea of tip-toeing around the topic of dieting with overweight teens. At the same time, many girls and women who have fallen prey to an eating disorder, say they can identify the exact phrase that started them down that torturous path.

Beyond exploring just the personal and social roots of Lisa's anorexia, Sheila looks at the historical roots as well. She compares the current views of eating disorders to past views of diseases like cancer, and tuberculosis. The mystery and shame that surrounded these illnesses causes the same sense of self-blame in patients with eating disorders. There is the notion, as with most mental health issues, that "the patients have brought it on themselves," and that they should just "get over it."

The Himmels' memoir is an important and valuable tool for all of us, whether we or someone we love is suffering from an eating disorder... or not. Developing an awareness of our society's tendency towards obsession about food, appearance, and health is a critical step in the journey to regaining moderation and balance in our own lives and the lives of others.

Hunger, Eating Disorders, and Family Ties


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Having Surgery - 7 Things You Don't Want to Take to the Hospital When You Go in For Surgery

There are some things that you are required to take to the hospital when you are having surgery, such as a photo id and your usual medications. And there are some things, such as your favorite books that you must have to make your stay while recovering after surgery a little more comfortable, and that's okay. There are some things, however, that you should never take to the hospital even if you think you can't live without them. After all... you are going to the hospital, and I promise; your doctors and nurses will not let you die from email deprivation.

Here is at list of some important "don't bring items" and why you should not take them with you to the hospital.


1. Food and Drink

Chances are good that you will be on some doctor-ordered diet for a few days after surgery. And all of your food will come from the hospital cafeteria. It's not exactly savory, but you have to eat that and that alone. Don't bother with gathering up and keeping up with your favorite foods and drinks in the hospital. Besides, you won't have a refrigerator, microwave, or can opener in your recovery room anyway.

2. Clothing

When you feel sick at home it always helps to put on your comfy flannel pajamas, wrap up in your silk robe, and walk around in your fuzzy slippers. And you know that at the hospital you will be wearing a flimsy gown that is too big and flashes your rear when you walk. You may be tempted to pack your go-to lounging around garb. But, in the hospital, you risk losing or even ruining those coveted comfort clothes. Leave them at home and look forward to wearing them when you get back.

3. Nice Linens

Let's face it, hospitals do not exactly brag about their high-thread count sheets or plush pillows. And unless the sheets on your bed are 500-thread count and the pillow under your head is made of memory foam, you just don't sleep well. You think that you would get more and better rest if you just take in some of your own linens. But don't do it. Like clothing, linens are likely to get lost or ruined while you are recovering in the hospital. If you absolutely cannot fall asleep on the hospital linens, the nurse will give you a pill for that.

4. Scented Candles or Air Freshener

Aromatherapy is effective at easing you into the right mood and frame of mind to accelerate healing. The flickering flames of candles alone can create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. And, anything would improve the sanitary yet unsettling smell of hospital rooms. However, lighting candles and fogging the room with Febreeze is not a good idea for two reasons. For one, the aroma that pleases one person may sicken another. You don't want to occupy that room that other patrons of the hospital smell from down the hall. For two, certain products that alter the air may cause complications for other recovering patients, especially ones with conditions such as asthma. You don't want to be the one responsible for contaminating their air.

5. Jewelry

Jewelry should never be taken to the hospital, and this includes your wedding set. Before surgery, you will be required to take it off, all of it. This is the time when jewelry can get lost or even stolen. If you don't believe it, read the newspaper. It's sad, but all to often jewelry gets stolen while in the hospital. Furthermore, when you are lying in a hospital bed, you do not need to nor are you expected to wear jewelry. Just save yourself the hassle of taking it off and trusting a friend to keep up with it and prevent the risk of losing it. Leave all of your jewelry at home, safe and sound.

6. Credit Cards or Cash

There is not one thing that you need to buy in the hospital. Your food, room, and maid services are included in that huge bill that they send you. Like jewelry, cash and cards are easily stolen or lost in the hospital. You don't want to leave the hospital with less cash or a stolen identity. Leave the pocketbook or wallet at home.

7. Work-Related Items

Cell phones, laptops, briefcases, and anything else related to work should be left at, well, work. At the hospital, focus on recovery. You can focus on your work at work. Stressing over work will only interfere with your rest and serenity and hinder your healing. Save the work for when you are back in tip-top shape and can really concentrate on getting those reports finished. Beleive it or not, if they are really that important, let someone else from the office do it.

So... try to leave the above items at home when you have to stay in the hospital. You really won't miss them while recuperating after your surgery, and they will be waiting for you just the same as you left them when you get home.

Having Surgery - 7 Things You Don't Want to Take to the Hospital When You Go in For Surgery


Fish Diet

A fish diet is the ideal way to lose weight, combined with best health.

dieters tea

Fish - one of the few universal products that include optimal set of vitamins and trace elements that heighten the immune system, heart. Fish - an exquisite source of high potential protein, containing a large estimate of valuable amino acids that are perfectly assimilated at any age.


Fish diet lasts seven days, which would be to throw off 5.7 kilograms overweight. Throughout the seven days you will have to succeed the same diet.

According to recent studies of independent groups of scientists from the U.S., Israel and England, the arduous consumption of products containing polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids have a positive impact on the mental state of man. Helps fight depression and normalize the performance of the human brain. A large estimate of such acids found in fish. This explains the fact that habitancy who eat fish every day, the least prone to sudden mood swings and depression.

From the dietary point of view of meat, much inferior to fish. In fish and meat contains roughly the same estimate of protein. Here is just a fish protein, in disagreement to the protein of meat, roughly entirely absorbed by the body. This means that in the body after consumption of fish does not begin to get toxins that poison the whole organism. In addition, fish contains much more vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients than any meat.


One boiled egg, apple, green tea.

Second breakfast

200 grams of cooked lean fish, cucumber, a glass of carbonated mineral water.


200 grams of cooked lean fish, lettuce, 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, green tea.

Fish Diet


Detox Diet - The 24 Hour Detoxification Diet

All of us need some corporeal detoxification from time to time, and here is a tried and tested 24 hour detoxification liquid diet.

diet tea

If you have overdone eating or drinking, have smoked too much, here is a 24 hours detox explication for you.


You will need a mixer or food processor, the list of greens and vegetables below and also some filter fresh brewed coffee or tea.

Yes, it is proven that coffee (and tea) are more grand anti-oxidants than Vitamins C and E combined.


You will need about 1 kilo of fresh spinach, 1 kilo of ruccola, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of fresh coriander, and filtered or bottled water.

Each dose of the liquid is to be made fresh before consumption, no mixing and storing in the fridge is allowed.

Detox Method

For the 24 hour period, no solid food is allowed. Coffee or tea can be consumed in the morning upon waking, again at mid-day, and a third time at early evening.

Starting from one hour after your morning coffee or tea, mix is equal amounts the spinach, ruccola, parsley and coriander. You may not add any salt...or other seasonings. Mix the herbs with water, and drink one large glass.

Repeat this every hour till you sleep.

Results and Benefits

You will find yourself quite a bit in the bathroom, with constant urination and possibly some more than usual defecation. This is quite normal, as your body is ridding itself of pollutants. Your kidneys will be very active, and accumulated solid particles will find their way out of your intestines quite quickly.

After the 24 hour period, you will feel very light, clean and refreshed.

It is helpful if while the period you can take a sauna or at least bath oftentimes in your shower, scrubbing your skin with a shower brush to aid the skin also to expel accumulated toxins.

Ask your Doctor

This diet is fully safe for use on a 24 hour period, but just in case, ask your physician if you can do this diet before you begin. You may have some conditions that would not allow a liquid fast.

How oftentimes Can One Detoxify?

Normally not more than one or two days a month should this diet be followed, but in some cases, and with a doctor's permission, the diet can be followed one day a week.

Unexpected Benefits from the Detox Diet

Should you be on a diet, or wishing to lose weight, the detox diet is great to give you diet a needed boost. You will find that after 24 hours on a liquid fast, you will be lighter, no request about it.

Post-Diet Diet

On the day following your detox diet, do not drink any alcohol or eat any heavy food such as meat or fish. It is best on the day after the fast to have salads, some light soups, and for protein, simply cooked chicken.

Detox Diet - The 24 Hour Detoxification Diet


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pregnancy Diet - A Tasty and Healthy Meal Plan

Pregnancy diets tend to be all over the place, while it's good to target a healthy diet it is hard to stick to it and have the correct amount of intake. Vomiting and nausea early in pregnancy make it difficult to achieve just about any dietary goals you set, but hopefully it's something you can work at achieving.

Your first goal is to bring in at least 300 calories more than what you originally did before pregnancy; these 300 calories should come in the form of health foods. Your normal healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables are still healthy so just eat some more! You should also work on keeping track which vitamins you gain from your foods you normally eat.


You may find that eating your normal diet may provide a good start for your pregnancy diet. But you should look at making sure you have the right amount of vitamins in your diet. Vitamin C should be easy to obtain but the other vitamins could prove to be slightly more difficult to get the correct amounts for when you're pregnant. Because your body needs a slight variation to your normal diet, you should know which vitamins that you don't need every day, such as Vitamin A, which has been known to cause birth defects if there is an over abundance of it.

If you think that you are off track, your medical professional can help you stay on track and keep you healthy. If you believe that you are on track but need a more stable diet plan then look for diet plan that is flexible and well proven. While some diets may be perfect, they can be hard to follow for a few weeks, let alone a few months.

Pregnancy Diet - A Tasty and Healthy Meal Plan


Low Cost CABG in World Class Hospital in India?

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is an operation that restores oxygen to your heart. CABG is a surgical procedure that reroutes blood flow around your blocked coronary artery. In the procedure, a transplanted piece of vessel, called a graft, allows blood to "bypass" the blockage in your artery. This procedure is also called coronary artery bypass surgery.
New ways to perform surgery with less patient discomfort, better heart function, and faster recovery. The procedures are called minimally invasive because they minimize the trauma of surgery. Statistics are showing that these new techniques also reduce the need for repeat operations in the future.

o Endoscopic vein harvesting. A minimally-traumatic procedure where we create a small incision to remove veins from the leg..


o Smaller incisions. By using smaller incisions, decrease the chances of infection, lessen pain, speed healing, and minimize scarring. For example, in Port Access Coronary Artery

Bypass Surgery, we create small incisions, known as "ports," in the chest.

Top of the line medical / diagnostic equipment is available. The same technology / medical equipment / computer diagnostic / imaging equipment is available as in Hospitals in New York, London or Sydney.

India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors. With the best infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India at the lowest charges. A patient will come to India where he will undergo medical treatment and along with that he can visit any Indian tourist destinations, as and when advised by the Doctors. The whole thing would save him a lot of money and he will get to discover India at the same time.

Low cost CABG:

Cost of CABG in India is ,900 in USA it is 0,000 in Uk it is 21,400
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) - Total Price ,900 in India
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Re-Do - Total Price ,900 in India
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) & Carotid - Total Price ,000 are the approximate prices for CABG which is fraction of cost where in western other countries.
Success rate of CABG is 95% in India .Cost is also very fraction of cost in western countries.

Low Cost CABG in World Class Hospital in India?


P90X Diet Plan Download

The P90X diet plan download has proved to be a boon for citizen who are following the P90X training program for 3 months. The diet along with the exercises works wonders to accomplish the dream figure that you have all the time wanted. The diet plan in tune with the home training program that Tony has designed and is divided into three unavoidable phases. The dissimilar phases have dissimilar purposes depending on the type of exercises that you are doing.

dietary supplements

The first phase of the P90X diet plan download focuses on the fat shredders as the diet is very high in protein and low in carbohydrate. This is generally so because the workout during this phase is based on improving the lean muscles. It is captivating to note that the diet plan is quite flexible and you can personalize it and corollary the part approach. Here you have the free time to choose what you are eating as long as the calorie consumption remains as suggested in the training program.


There are many diet options that P90X diet plan download offers and it would be captivating if you try them out, as they are tasty and wholesome at the same time. You can plan your own menu, but just all you have to remember is the calorie in-take and once you download the excel file, you will get the details of the levels and phases and the calories that you will need on a daily basis and slowly the die progresses from a high protein/low carbohydrate diet to a higher carbohydrate diet. When you download diet plan, you will also get a daily calorie tracker that will come in very handy.

The P90X diet plan download has boxes that will remind you to drink the sufficient quantity of water and reminds the supplements as well. You will also get to know what is meant by a serving- say for example one serving of protein is 3oz. Of chicken breast. So this will give you a perfect guide to you daily calorie intake. There are three dissimilar meal plans for each phase of the diet. You can also go for captivating meals like the Lean ground meatball with a cup of whole grain pasta that will be not only delicious, but also in accordance to the diet plan and the serving portions. You can also go for shredded chickens and tortillas.

Similarly, P90x diet plan download will also give you practical tips on second phase- the power booster and the third phase the durability maximizer and you will also get captivating menus to help you keep going. When you download the excel file of the plan you will get every little details of the diet and you can make your meals as captivating as potential even when stay well within the calories specified.

P90X Diet Plan Download


Monday, November 21, 2011

Review of the Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

The Cabbage Soup diet is another fad weight loss diet that is centered around eating cabbage soup. The origins of the soup are uncertain, but it is believed to go back as far as World War I. During that time, besides cabbage the American soldiers had few options for vegetables. Also eating it offered them protection against scurvy, a disease deficiency caused by inadequate vitamin C in their diet.

Over the years the diet has been know by many different names: TWA Stewardess Diet, Model's Diet, Dolly Parton Diet, Military Cabbage Soup Diet, Sacred Heart Hospital Diet, and the Skinny Diet to name a few.


The reason for its popularity is that many of the diet proponents claim that you can lose 10 or more pounds in a week. Whether this is true or not, no studies have been performed that demonstrates that cabbage possesses any properties that can help to speed up the fat burning process like grapefruit.

Description of the Cabbage Soup Diet

The diet consist mainly of a recipe for the soup. Besides the cabbage, the ingredients of the recipes may also include other vegetables such as tomatoes, celery, green peppers, and onions.

Early versions of the soup would cook for an hour. However for newer versions of the recipe, the cooking time is 10 to 15 minutes. The shorter cooking time helps to preserve the nutrients found in the cabbage.

Also the dieters are expected to follow specific menus for each day. Many of the menus consist of some fruits, beans, and potatoes. On most of the days no meat is included in the diet. Also, depending on the version of the diet that you are following, cabbage soup is to be eaten once per day or in some case in an unlimited amount, or whenever you feel hungry.


The limited benefits of the diet are that cabbage is a healthy vegetable and that it is in expensive to make and store. Given that 3 1/2 ounces of the vegetable only has 20 calories, you can eat a lot and not have to worry about ingesting an excessive amount of calories.

Precautions and Risks

There are many concerns that you should keep in mind about the diet. Since the diet is nutritionally restrictive, the primary precaution that you have to take is not to follow it longer than seven days. And again because of its restrictive nature, if you have health problems, you would be wise to consult a health professional before you start.

And since many of the pounds that you will lose will be water weight, you may also get in the habit of losing and then putting the weight back on-- the dreaded yo-yo dieting syndrome.

Some other effects that you should be aware of is the increase in flatulence, which can be embarrassing. Also, many of the recipes include lots of salt. So if you are trying to restrict your sodium intake, you need to be conscious of this fact.

Assessment of the Cabbage Soup Diet

As with most diets, because of its calorie restriction you will lose weight. For this same reason, following it over an extended period will probably be hard, not to mention unhealthy.

Hearing that you can lose 10 pounds are more on this diet does make it tempting to try, but over the long haul, it will not be worth it. This is mainly due to the nature in which you lost the weight. Even if it were healthy, it is very doubtful that you could follow this diet the rest of your life. Good dieting is not just about weight loss or burning fat, but also about sustaining your success and living healthy.

There are many diets out there that are healthier and can help you sustain weight loss permanently without compromising your health. Do yourself a favor and avoid the temptation of using this diet as the centerpiece of your weight loss plan. The only thing that you should take from it is the recipes for cabbage soup.

Review of the Cabbage Soup Diet Plan


Your Own Candida Diet - Swollen Red Face, One Eye Was Swollen Shut and Cheeks Were Red and Itchy

I got a message from a friend of mine sharing about her experiences in dealing with yeast with her own way. She said that she is not even sure if she has a yeast infection. The last day, she woke up with swollen red face, one of her eyes was nearly swollen shut and her cheeks were red and itchy. This has happened before and she fasted on fruits and vegetables until the problems went away. This time, which has lasted 3 weeks, fasting did not work and the problem got even worse. She ate plum and the itching intensified, then she ate an apple and the same thing happened again.

She completely gave up eating any kind of sugar. She was a vegetarian, but she started eating fish for the Omega 3 and because she knew she wasn't allergic. Now, she eats only brown rice, millet, vegetables, olive oil water, and herbal teas. She started this diet yesterday at lunch. By this morning, her skin was soft but still red. Then it was like she had sunburn. All that skin came off, and now her skin looks nearly normal, it's just a bit pink.


This just seems like a miracle to her. And now she is searching around like crazy for ideas of what to cook, as there are so few real candida recipes on the web. She wonders how long she has to stay on this diet. She has read some people say 30 days and some says 6 months.

Actually it depends on how bad your yeast situation is. A very rough rule of thumb is to allow a month for every year you've been ill, and then at least 3 months after you feel completely better. Candida has a 3-month incubation period, so if you come off the diet too soon, you might just be feeding a whole new colony. You need to take a good probiotics - acidophilus plus a range of other strains - and at least 2 or 3 different types of antifungals, rotated every 4-5 days to stop the yeast becoming resistant to it. I take grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, garlic and caprylic acid, and have had the most success with the grapefruit seed.

Your Own Candida Diet - Swollen Red Face, One Eye Was Swollen Shut and Cheeks Were Red and Itchy


pregnancy Diet Menus - 14 useful Tips To Plan Your Diet

Pregnancy is not the same as some coarse situation that you face everyday! So it is understandable if you have no clue as to what constitutes a good pregnancy diet menu! The basic thing to understand here is that if you as the expectant mom stay fit and fine, you are going to deliver a healthy baby. To ensure this, you will need to chart out a menu that constitutes healthy cusine for the whole distance of your pregnancy. In fact, the pregnancy diet menu can be used even after delivery of the newborn to continue living a healthy lifestyle.


Here are some guidelines as to what is a good pregnancy diet menu:


(1) cusine has to be balanced--not too much of carbohydrates or too much of fatty meats. What is required is to incorporate just the right amounts of minerals and vitamins into your daily diet.

(2) A very leading vitamin influencing the developing baby's increase is vitamin D. So foods rich in this vitamin have to be a part of your daily intake too.

(3) Calcium in plenty to help your child have strong and healthy bones.

(4) deficiency of folic acid will bring about birth defects associated to the baby's brain or spine.

(5) Iron should also be a part of your pregnancy diet menu since it helps to carry the required number of oxygen to the growing baby in the womb.

(6) Fortified foods and supplements are critical as they aid in healthy improvement of the unborn child.

(7) Broiled food is any day good than fried food.

(8) Fresh foods should be consumed whenever possible, keeping processed food aside.

(9) It is good to meet dietary fat requirements straight through nuts than fatty meats.

(10) Minimal usage of salt is recommended as it has a tendency to increase blood pressure. Not using it at all is even better.

(11) Use wheat bread (whole grain breads) in place of white bread.

(12) Substitutes work as good as the originals. Fruits can take the place of sweets, and low-fat milk the place of whole milk.

(13) always ingest plenty of water as it is good for both of you. It also gives a feeling of plenty and lessens hunger.

(14) Since there is a temptation to snack at whatever time of day (hamburgers, chips or candy), calories get added on very quickly. You have to find the courage to resist these temptations!

Yes, it is right on hard to secure new habits and give up the old! If you have exhibited a love for lots of fatty foods, fast food and desserts, switching over to healthy foods is not an easy task. But if you truly love your yet-to-be-born child, cultivate the quality of determination and go in for a pregnancy diet menu! After all, once your baby makes his/her entry into the world, will you not do all in your power to keep him/her safe all the time? So start caring for his/her health when in the womb itself!

Strictly adhering to the pregnancy diet menu will bring a remarkable recompense in the end--a healthy and absorbing newborn!

pregnancy Diet Menus - 14 useful Tips To Plan Your Diet


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Low Carbohydrate Diet

A low carbohydrate diet can go a long way to helping you lose weight and feel healthier. This record will give you a deeper comprehension of how low-carb diets work, how they can help, and a few other useful pointers you should keep in mind before and while you are on this style of diet.

diet tea

Carbohydrates are found mostly in foods such as bread and pasta. When your body performs a task, the carbohydrates you've consumed are fueling it. If, however, you consume more carbohydrates than the body utilizes, these are converted into fat and weight gain is the result. So taking on a low carbohydrate diet that removes the bread and pasta, replacing them with high-protein foods such as meat, soy products and green vegetables can lessen the amount of fat the body ordinarily produces.


A low carbohydrate diet can be risky, as the body requires carbs in order to have energy. Reducing the levels of carbs in the body might have a negative impact on the health of a dieter, so all the time be particular before taking on a diet such as this. Remember that under no circumstances should you put your well being at risk in order to lose weight. The body has a need for at least a small amount of carbs every day, and you can do permanent damage to your body if you go crazy with a diet like this. The best thing to do would be to see a doctor before starting with your plan, as he or she will be able to advise you on the best policy of action.

Remember that no matter how successful a low carbohydrate diet is for you, the time will come when you'll want to stop dieting and go back to eating foods that are higher in carbs. This will mean that there's a risk you'll be putting the weight you lost back on again, and losing all the fruits of your good work. The point is this: Taking on a diet, even one that works well, will not cure you for the rest of your life. Staying salutary requires a constant endeavor every day to resist eating too many unhealthy foods, and to keep you in shape.

One of the reasons low-carb diets have come to be so beloved in up-to-date years is that they allow you to eat foods that still might be high in fat and protein. The starting of this low carbohydrate diet fad, with the Atkins diet, had celebrities claiming they could lose weight while still eating pork chops and hamburgers. To anyone reasoning seriously about their health, this should set off alarm bells and warn them away from such a policy of action. No miracle diet allows you to eat unhealthy foods and lose weight without having a inexpressive negative ensue on the body. While you might lose weight in the short term, going in a perilous policy such as this can ensue in serious problems later in life, and may sacrifice life expectancy altogether.

Having said that, a low carbohydrate diet can be useful and is recommended by many health professionals to sacrifice weight gain and improve quality of life. If you check with your doctor and listen to the signals your body sends to you, this policy of action could have you feeling fitter and happier than you have in a long time.

Low Carbohydrate Diet


Alkaline Diet Recipes

Welcome to an article about alkaline diet recipes. First, a minute background info on the alkaline diet and then we can get into a few recipes. The alkaline diet was discovered by Dr. Robert Young. Through his study of the blood he found that salutary blood was a direct reflection of a salutary or alkaline diet. So he basically considered foods to be either alkalizing or acid causing. He found that when a someone eats foods that are primarily alkalizing the body as a whole runs at an optimum level.

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The Alkaline Diet Recipes are recipes that are designed to alkalize the body and therefore would consist only of food that is alkalizing to the body.


It is recommended that you start of your day with alkaline diet recipes that can be blended into a drink. The idea behind this is that the liquid form of these nutrients is more assuredly assimilated by the body. One of the alkaline diet recipes is as follows:

Super Alkalizing Green Smoothie

1 Cup of Good Water: alkaline water if available(fresh spring water is typically alkaline)

1 cup of organic blueberries

2 large unripe bananas

2handfuls of spinach,kale, chard, or some dark green leafy vegetable

seaweed-arame, kelp, dulse

1 shot of wheat grass juice

Combine the ingredients in a blender with some ice cubes. Mix thoroughly, and enjoy. A yummy start to your list of alkaline diet recipes, this smoothie will supercharge your day.

The next of the alkaline diet recipes is my personal favorite. It is very simple to make and quite tasty.

Spring Salad

Organic Spring Salad Mix

Add anyone greens you lie (kale, chard, spinach, collard)



Summer black radishes

Toss the salad how you like and use this dressing.

Olive oil

fresh squeezed lemon juice

table spoon sea salt

dried crushed basil

dried crushed oregano

The amounts for the above method can be adjusted to your liking. The dressing tastes best when it is allowed to sit a day before you use it. Both of these alkaline diet recipes are highly alkalizing. They include very alkalizing ingredients.

Another thing that I like to to with my salads and other recipes, is to add freshly sprouted sprouts to them. Sprouting is an easy and highly cheap way to add super alkalizing and biogenic foods to your alkaline diet recipes. Mung beans, broccoli, and lentils are all very good choices for sprouting. To sprout all you do is soak seeds in a jar overnight. Then you rinse the seeds and drain them 2-3 times a day for around 7 days. Keep the sprouts in a dark room or covered with No light until the last day. Then set them in a spot where they can get moderate sunlight for about six hours. You will consideration that they start to turn green from as they begin to furnish chlorophyll. Finally, add the sprouts to your favorite alkaline diet recipes and enjoy!

Alkaline Diet Recipes


The Mediterranean Diet Plan - What Makes This Diet Different?

The Mediterranean diet plan is a nutritional diet pattern inspired by cuisine that has been traditionally consumed as part of the culture of the coastal regions of southern Italy and parts of Greece. It was introduced to the world in the 1945, and by the mid 1990s took result in its present- day form straight through books and recipes. Assorted diet and condition studies have related it with continued life span, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, distinct cancers, and dementia, as well as helping to forestall Type-2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. That is quite an impressive list. But here we will contemplate either the Mediterranean diet plan also promotes fat loss.

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What makes the Mediterranean diet plan different from most plans is that it is not designed specifically for weight loss, but as a habitual style of eating; practically as a dietary way of life. The following are some of its main characteristics:


• Maximizing natural whole foods, and reduces the use of processed foods. Whole foods have not been processed and do not have any additives. Ideally they are organic, or sometimes termed "natural foods", meaning they haven't been treated with harmful chemicals while increase or preparation. In someone else article we will discuss the potential harm with refined and processed foods that are non-organic, but the Mediterranean diet emphasizes their non use.

• The diet is abundant in foods from plants. Fresh fruit and vegetables, seasonally grown with minimal processing, plus beans, potatoes, nuts, and seeds.

• Olive oil as the famous fat, as it is more monounsaturated fat acids than any other plainly produced oil, and its high content of antioxidative substances.

• Limiting the consumption of red meat, and putting a greater emphasis on fish (consumed at least twice per week) and poultry.

• When flavoring foods (and they are flavorful), using herbs and spices instead of salt.

• Drinking red wine in moderation while meals. It is believed that grape juice will yield the same benefits for population who do not consume alcohol.

• Limiting dairy consumption to skim milk, fat-free yogurt and low-fat cheese.

That is just a brief frame of the Mediterranean diet. As mentioned, it is not designed specifically for quick weight loss, but because of the foods it promotes (and conversely foods that you should shun), if consumed in moderation and with some exercise, it will plainly help you to lose excess weight. But it should not be considered a quick-fix, and if you need to lose ten pounds for by your wedding next week, being on the Mediterranean diet for a healthy a week no ifs ands or buts will not do that. This is a long-term formula to living a healthy lifestyle, where you are able to eat ample amounts of delicious foods with complicated ways in which they can be prepared. We have found that most diets, if rigorously followed over a duration of time, will yield weight loss results. But the issue becomes when dieters are tempted by foods that are not within their diet regimen, they can no longer say that Spartan lifestyle and they give in to temptation, and the qoute is blamed on the lack of willpower. The Mediterranean diet takes away the need for willpower, and that is what makes it different from most diets.

So now that you hopefully are convinced that diet Mediterranean will be of benefit to you, you'll want to know how to get ready some of these delicious recipes. There are many exquisite cookbooks on the market, but the one we extremely propose is healthy Mediterranean Diet Recipes, which is a monthly publication devoted to population on this diet. It will undoubtedly help you live a long and healthy life.

The Mediterranean Diet Plan - What Makes This Diet Different?


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beyonce Diet? A Must Read For You

The so called Beyonce Diet is a crash-diet and it might not be for everyone. It is more a rapid fasting and body detox than a diet.

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Beyonce herself said that she would "never propose this crash diet to anyone unless it is needful and you have proper help". There is no point if you do such a hard fasting and detox habit just to gain back the weight you will lose shortly thereafter.


Beyonce's Diet is also known as "Maple Syrup Diet", and she lost 22 pounds with it within 14 days.

This "diet" does not involve any solid food. Instead, it is a mix of lemon juice, medium maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper in the form of a shake. You might enjoy it cold or hot.

Such a crash fasting like the Beyonce Diet needs supplementary help since it does not consist of any solid food at all, although it contains needful vitamins. Since we don't eat any food we need to support and help our digestive theory to avoid any problems like constipation.

Beyonce drank laxative tea each night, and each morning she drank some 30oz of warm salt water which served a similar purpose as an enema. ( We told you this "diet" might not be for everyone! )

The recommended period for this fasting and detox course is 10 days. A just ending of such a diet is needed, where you start the break from the fasting by drinking natural juices for a day or two, then soups, followed by fruit and vegetables the next day. After such a a crash diet you cannot just resume your normal diet from one day to the other.

Here is the Beyonce Diet Recipe:

* 1 Cup (8 fl oz) purified water or spring water.
* 2 Tablespoons (1 fl oz) freshly squeezed lemon juice
* 2 Tablespoons (1 fl oz) grade B maple syrup
* 1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper mixed in - or as much pepper as you can handle.

The Beyonce Diet is intriguing since it combines the elements of fasting and body detox. It is a rapid, fast acting way to lose weight and it might not be for everyone.

Beyonce Diet? A Must Read For You


Diet to Conceive a Boy

Do you already have one or more daughters and are looking for a diet to conceive a boy? Or perhaps you are looking to have your first child and want very much for it to be a boy?

The good news is that it is entirely possible, through 100% natural means, for you to choose the gender of your baby, by making certain dietary choices.


Does only the would-be mother have to follow a special diet? Or does the would-be father have to follow this diet also?

The answer is that it is really in the best interests of both parents to follow this diet to conceive a boy together. This will assure that the man's sperm and the woman's reproductive tract are conditioned to favor a male at the time of fertilization.

Here are some general tips on following the proper diet to conceive a boy:

1. Boys are conceived through an alkaline diet. Girls are conceived through an acidic diet.

2. The boy diet is high in potassium and sodium, and is low in calcium and magnesium.

3. The girl diet is the reverse. It is high in magnesium and calcium and is low in potassium

4. and sodium.

Any discussion about diet for gender selection would be remiss without addressing the issue of pH levels, which play an important role when planning the gender of your baby at conception. With the proper diet, you can influence these levels and create the conditions favorable for the conception of a boy.

Diet to Conceive a Boy


Quick Weight Loss Diets - Facts and Fallacies

Quick weight loss diets have been around forever, and seem ever-popular, but do they really work? Many of the quick "fad" diets can help for temporary weight loss, but usually it comes back eventually. It is normal for dieters to look for the Holy Grail of diets, one that can have you lose weight fast, then keep it off.

Fad or Binge diets will always be with us, and for a few reasons one may be able to rationalize their use, for any of a number of reasons: Temporary weight loss to "get in to that dress or Tux for the one event" like a wedding or reunion, then it is OK to go back to looking normal. One of the problems of these quick loss and fad diets is many of them are plain unhealthy, and can put you at greater health risk than being overweight.


There are no miracles when it comes to weight loss, but you can take positive steps to losing weight that will help speed things along without resorting to one of these fad diets or just starving yourself. Here are some ways you can move forward and lose weight;

Eat The Right Foods To Speed Up Your Metabolism

If you've been off-and-on dieting over the years, your metabolism may be as much as 30% slower than normal. To get back to normal, you need to eat enough calories to meet your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). You can search for BMR Calculator online and get the numbers you need. Everyone is different. You'll need to enter your height, weight, age and sex to get a number. For example, a 60 year old male at 200 lbs. that is 5' 7" tall has a BMR of about 1750 calories, while a 20 year male the same size has a BMR over 2000.

The BMR is the number of calories you need to get though the day, given "normal" activities. If you have a physically demanding job or big exercise routine, you will need more, and if you sit at a desk all day, you will need less. When trying to get to your BMR, it's best to stick to the healthier foods like lean protein, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

You'll probably have an initial weight gain, but don't let that scare you off. First you need to get your body back to normal operating levels and repair itself. After you've been at your BMR for a couple of weeks to a month or so of eating the appropriate level of calories, your metabolism will speed up and the pounds will begin to fall away.

Once you've got your metabolism back up to speed, you can easily lose a pound a week with a balanced diet, or two pounds a week if you add an exercise program. This is safely sustainable and you won't be starving yourself any more.

Exercise to increase your weight loss.

You will rarely find exercise mentioned with quick weight loss and fad diet, primarily because exercise is work and they are trying to push your "easy" button. Most quick weight loss and fad diets dramatically reduce your caloric intake, which can lead to a quick initial weight loss, but it jacks your metabolism around and the weight will come back as soon as you eat normally again. Plus, most quick weight loss diets don't provide the same health benefits as a balanced diet and exercise.

With all of the various exercise routines out there, at least experts agree on one thing: The best exercise routines include a balance of cardio and strength training. Cardio helps exercise and strengthen the heart and circulatory system, while the strength training tends to build lean muscle mass. Everyone agrees that lean muscle mass is heavier than fat, so a physically fit person will look slim and trim compared to a fattie of the same weight and height. Regular exercise will also help you feel better, leading to a lot of other positive benefits. If you have a lot of stress in your life, you should also consider yoga for stretching and relaxation.

Once you are up to speed, if you get three to five hours a week of cardio exercise, and one or two hours a week of strength training, you will see significant changes in your body shape and fitness level.

The health benefits of exercise are well known, and include improved mood and better sleep, not to mention stronger, leaner body. Exercise also protects your heart and wards off metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. Quick weight loss diets can't touch any of these benefits.

Exercise doesn't need to be the kind of "dreary work out at the gym" program that many people tend to use. It can be found nearly everywhere. Gardening or home improvement projects, playing with the kids at the park, swimming, dancing, or participating in community sports are all ways of getting appropriate exercise without spending all of your time in the gym. I'm sure you can think of many others that not only provide good exercise, but are fun too!

Avoid Starvation Diets

The news and pulp magazines are full of reports of celebrities who drank nothing but [fill in your favorite fad food of the week here] to quickly slim down for a role. What we don't hear about is the aftermath: The rebound weight gain as soon as they ended their diet, and the increase in difficulty losing weight later due to messing up their metabolism.

Watch out for any quick weight loss plan that talks about "retaining water" as if it is a bad thing. Your body NEEDS water, and the sad fact is that most Americans are close to dehydration anyway due to imbalanced diets and other excesses. Most of us are so close that even as few as a couple of days without normal water intake can put us in the hospital. (I know this from personal experience, having collapsed from dehydration because my throat hurt so bad I avoided normal drinking and eating minimally for only a couple of days. That's one hospital stay I really won't be repeating.) Most of these fad and quick weight loss diets are extremely stressful to your body. They just aren't worth the health risk. At best, you'll end up tired, hungry, grouchy, dehydrated, and heavier than before. At worst, you could seriously damage your metabolism, making it impossible to lose weight later, even when you eat very few calories.

Set Reasonable Expectations

Don't set yourself up for failure. Choose a reasonable weight target for your body type and height. Trying to get your weight down to that of an anorexic looking boy-girl model just isn't reasonable unless you've got twigs for bones and don't mind a short, miserable life from all of the damage done to your body by the quick loss diets and their related issues.

In summary, the Fact is that Quick Loss Diets can work, but they are only temporary and many are plain dangerous to your continued well being. The Fallacy is that they can give you what you want, beyond a very brief instant while you are on their miserable routine.

Only a reasonable plan that includes maintaining a healthy weight by keeping your body healthy will get you where you should be. Feed your body a well balanced diet, move it often, stay hydrated and it will perform at its peak for you, for a long time to come.

Quick Weight Loss Diets - Facts and Fallacies


Friday, November 18, 2011

Diet Solution for Weight Loss: No Starvation Diets

When you want to drop weight, you must create a calorie deficit so your body burns more energy than it takes in. Starving yourself might seem like the fastest way to accomplish this, but depriving yourself of food is not an appropriate diet solution for healthy, sustainable weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to follow a healthy eating plan and get plenty of exercise.

What's Wrong with a Starvation Diet?


Extreme food restriction may seem like the perfect way to reach your weight loss goals, but starving yourself can backfire. Your body gets fuel from the food you eat. When you starve yourself, your body will respond by holding on to fat in an effort to conserve energy.

Eventually, your metabolism will slow down and weight loss will become more difficult to achieve. Of course, if you deprive yourself of food for a long time, it will result in weight loss. However, since your metabolism won't perform the way it used to, once you resume a regular eating plan, you'll likely gain back all the weight you lost.

A long-term starvation diet can cause nutritional deficiencies that can lead to serious health problems. For instance, iron deficiency can interfere with hemoglobin production. Potassium deficiency can cause low blood pressure, vomiting, mental confusion, depression, glucose intolerance and severe muscle cramps.

Calcium deficiency can weaken bones and increase your future risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin C deficiency can impair proper functioning of the immune system. And not getting enough protein in the diet can cause breakdown of the muscle tissues and damage the internal organs.

A starvation diet can also cause a drop in serotonin and make you emotionally unstable. Long-term refusal to give your body the calories it needs for fuel can cause it to shut down. If this happens, you will end up in either the hospital or the morgue.

Eat Right Instead of Starving

Eating nutritiously is a healthier diet solution than starving. When you eat a balanced diet, you give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs for good health. A well-rounded meal plan should consist of fish, lean meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, beans, raw nuts and legumes.

These foods are naturally low in calories, so you automatically lose weight if you control your portion sizes during meals. If you prefer a meatless eating plan, add extra leafy green vegetables, nuts, beans and seeds to your meals to ensure you get the calcium, iron and protein you need for good health.

Exercise Regularly to Increase Chances of Weight Loss

Regular cardiovascular exercise is an important element in any successful weight loss program. For optimum results, get one-hour of moderate to rigorous physical activity five to six days a week.

To increase your chances of sticking to your workout program, choose cardio exercises you enjoy. Here are a few cardio exercise ideas to get you started:

• fast-paced walking
• indoor or outdoor running
• skating
• swimming
• riding a stationary bike
• group aerobics
• fitness boot camps
• exercise videos
• indoor or outdoor biking
• tennis, basketball and other sports
• pushing a lawnmower
• jump rope
• elliptical trainers

The more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn. So in addition to regular cardiovascular exercise, lift weights three days a week. You can use a combination of free weights, weight machines and resistance bands. You can also use your own bodyweight as resistance.

Don't let your desperation to shed weight drive you to starvation. This type of diet is unhealthy and dangerous. Eating healthy and getting enough exercise are the best methods to lose weight and keep it off for life.

Diet Solution for Weight Loss: No Starvation Diets