I got a message from a friend of mine sharing about her experiences in dealing with yeast with her own way. She said that she is not even sure if she has a yeast infection. The last day, she woke up with swollen red face, one of her eyes was nearly swollen shut and her cheeks were red and itchy. This has happened before and she fasted on fruits and vegetables until the problems went away. This time, which has lasted 3 weeks, fasting did not work and the problem got even worse. She ate plum and the itching intensified, then she ate an apple and the same thing happened again.
She completely gave up eating any kind of sugar. She was a vegetarian, but she started eating fish for the Omega 3 and because she knew she wasn't allergic. Now, she eats only brown rice, millet, vegetables, olive oil water, and herbal teas. She started this diet yesterday at lunch. By this morning, her skin was soft but still red. Then it was like she had sunburn. All that skin came off, and now her skin looks nearly normal, it's just a bit pink.
This just seems like a miracle to her. And now she is searching around like crazy for ideas of what to cook, as there are so few real candida recipes on the web. She wonders how long she has to stay on this diet. She has read some people say 30 days and some says 6 months.
Actually it depends on how bad your yeast situation is. A very rough rule of thumb is to allow a month for every year you've been ill, and then at least 3 months after you feel completely better. Candida has a 3-month incubation period, so if you come off the diet too soon, you might just be feeding a whole new colony. You need to take a good probiotics - acidophilus plus a range of other strains - and at least 2 or 3 different types of antifungals, rotated every 4-5 days to stop the yeast becoming resistant to it. I take grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, garlic and caprylic acid, and have had the most success with the grapefruit seed.
Your Own Candida Diet - Swollen Red Face, One Eye Was Swollen Shut and Cheeks Were Red and Itchy HOSPITAL DIET
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