Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hibernation Honey Diet

The new revolutionary Hibernation Diet created by a British pharmacist and a nourishment scholar caught my attentiveness by production a powerful relationship between poor sleep and obesity. It advocates incorporating mild resistance exercise and a healthy, wholesome, and balanced diet void of very refined, processed foods such as white bread, pizza, burgers, chocolates, beer and sugar, and suggests taking a generous spoonful or two of honey at night, whether as a warm drink, a smoothie or straight from the jar. This tantalizing honey hibernation diet promises to help us sleep and lose weight at the same time by using our biology and working with our bodies, rather than against them - "recovery biology". A new advent to fat metabolism, it requires no straining from aerobics exercise, no wearing out on a treadmill and no pounding it out in the gym. Sounds too easy, too miraculous or too far-fetched to be believable?

diet tea

Natural honey when taken prior to bed is believed to be able to fuel the liver, speed up fat-burning metabolism, ease stress hormones and help us get a great night's sleep. This oldest natural sweetener also contains a wide range of vitamins, together with vitamins B6, B1, B2 and B5, and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc, anti-oxidants and amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.


What I learnt about the Hibernation Diet is that honey provides a fuelling mechanism for the body at night, retention blood sugar levels balanced and letting your saving hormones get on with burning fat stores. This proposition that honey reduces blood glucose level was published in the Journal of corrective Food in April 2004. However, to most people, it seems to defy common sense since honey comprises two sugars, namely glucose and fructose in a 1:1 ratio. Moreover, eating late at night is often discouraged by many citizen who believe that during bedtime, metabolic rate is low and the body cannot burn fat and would certainly put on weight. Being a honey enthusiast, I naturally wanted to know more about how the hibernation diet works scientifically for the good of the body.

I read that when sugars are absorbed from the gut into the blood they are first absorbed by the liver, which is the only organ in the human body with the fructose enzyme to process this sugar. In the liver the fructose is converted into glucose, stored as liver glycogen or human starch, and released only if and when blood glucose falls.

Fructose also triggers the glucose enzyme in the liver allowing the liver to take in as much glucose as it requires. This has been referred to as the Fructose Paradox. In other words, fructose lowers the Glycemic Index of glucose; fructose enters the liver and opens the gate for glucose entry preventing a rapid rise in blood glucose. This natural blood glucose regulator found in fruits, vegetables and honey, regulate blood glucose levels and stabilize blood glucose to articulate a quarterly supply of glucose to the brain.

Some simple questions that the hibernation diet scholar asks to check if the liver has fuelled up well for the night:

- Do you wake normally during the night?

- Do you have night sweats?

- Do you feel acid reflux during the night?

- Do you get up to go to the bathroom during the night?

- Do you feel nauseous in the early morning?

- Do you wake up exhausted?

- Do you have a dry throat in the morning?

- Do you get night cramps?

- Do you feel weak in the early morning?

If "yes" is the write back for any of these questions, it could mean that instead of burning fat and repairing muscles, your body has produced a stream of stress hormones while you've slept.

The hibernation diet also goes on to explain how fructose in honey fuels the brain which is the most power demanding organ, burning up to 20 times the fuel of any other cell in the body. We become exhausted after having to merge for a lengthy period. That's why we often hear that mental exhaustion is worse than bodily exhaustion. The brain needs glucose to survive, any way glucose occupies a large whole of warehouse space and there is no room in the brain. And the liver is the only organ that can both store and publish glucose into the circulation. This is why seeing after your liver glycogen whole by ensuring that the liver and the brain are well in case,granted for both in the day and at night is so critical. Any fall in blood glucose is detrimental for the brain. The adrenal glands to be activated and the adrenal hormones if overproduced can lead to conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, poor immune function, depression and other distressing health problems.

What I find tantalizing to read is that we burn an fabulous 70% fat during rest, 35% during low level exercise, 20% during moderate exercise, and a low 10% during intense exercise. during sleep we should burn fats. However, if the liver is not fuelled prior to bed, we publish stress hormones from the adrenal glands which raise our heart rate and blood pressure. These hormones instead of burning fat, degrade muscle and bone. The liver must deliver 10 grams of glucose every hour -- 6.5 to the brain, 3.5 to the kidneys and red blood cells. As the liver capacity is only 75 grams, most citizen go to bed with a depleted liver, activating the adrenal glands and do not recover. And if you do not recover you do not burn fats. The hibernation diet essentially aims to encourage citizen to reap the benefit of your body's own natural saving theory and optimize their saving biology or fat burning biology, as explicitly termed by the author who believed that this diet is not only to a salutary weight but unlocking power resources you never know you had.


Hibernation Honey Diet


Friday, July 29, 2011

Diet Tips For Conceiving a Baby Girl

When you're planning on having a baby your main hope is that your newborn will be healthy. Some parents genuinely don't care whether they have a boy or a girl. However, some privately do wish that they will come to be the proud parents of a new son or a new daughter. There are a lot of tips floating nearby that advise methods that will help you in your quest for a girl or boy. If you have your heart set on conceiving a baby girl, you may want to adjust your diet nearby the time of conception.

diet pills

Some of the diet suggestions when it comes to conceiving a baby girl are genuinely tasty and nutritious. Most women who are hoping to conceive have already upped their daily intake of calcium rich foods. If you're hoping for a small girl, you may want to add even more milk, cheese and yogurt to your diet. It's been said that calcium can help if you want a daughter.


Caffeine is a no-no if you have hopes of conceiving a baby girl. This obviously means that you have to trade-in your morning cup of coffee for a mug of the decaffeinated variety. You should also avoid chocolate and colas while the time you might conceive. It's also worth noting that it may be a good habit to enduringly adopt especially if you'll be nursing your newborn.

Salt should also be scarce in your menu plans. This means you shouldn't consume any foods loaded with salt and also severely limit the amount of salt you add to your food while cooking or before eating. This can be a hard one to get used to if you're accustomed to salty flavors. However, if you're serious about conceiving a baby girl, it's a very small sacrifice to make.

Diet Tips For Conceiving a Baby Girl


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

Many citizen thoughprovoking about starting a low carb diet wonder if there are side effects they need to be aware of before getting started. Many also wonder if there are harmful low carb diet side effects too, so let's look at the most tasteless side effects of low carb dieting, and talk about either any of these are harmful.

dieters tea

Some of these low carb diet side effects can be problematic for citizen with condition conditions, particularly if they're taking medications for those conditions. Often the side effects are good, but you need to be aware they can happen and talk to your curative care provider because they'll need to monitor your progress and perhaps change, reduce, or eliminate medications as you progress.


For instance, a very tasteless low carb diet side result is lowered, or more even blood sugar levels. This is an important low carb diet side result for any diabetic, particularly ones that take insulin shots or medication. Since low carb diets can drastically sell out your blood sugar levels naturally, your physician may need to adjust your medication levels to compensate for those changes.

Another low carb diet side result is of course losing a lot of weight. This by itself is not technically a side effect, but associated effects of losing weight can include regulation of blood pressure, easing or disappearance of digestive tract problems, and resolution of breathing problems too.

If you're taking high blood pressure medication, then the side result of having that lowered from eating a low carb diet will need to be addressed by your physician or curative care specialist. The same applies for digestive troubles, if you experience resolution to those problems as a low carb dieting side effect, your physician will need to adjust or eliminate the medications you take.

Now if you don't take medications for conditions such as those listed above, you may still experience low carb diet side effects, but they're likely to be ones you're happy to have.

Common, "good" low carb diet side effects include reduced cravings for sugars and starches; increased energy; reduced bloated and gassy, upset stomach feelings; improved bowel movements; regulated blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels; loss of excess water retention; and of course, loss of excess body fat.

There are some low carb diet side effects that are not harmful, but you need to be aware of them because they are uncomfortable at best. These low carb diet side effects are more tasteless during the first one to five days on the diet, and are side effects of your body adjusting to your eating changes. These side effects can include headaches; nausea; dizziness; lethargy or low energy; severe sugar cravings; irritability; and constipation.

There are also a couple of women exact low carb diet side effects. In the first week or two of your new low carb diet, you may experience oddities with your monthly menstrual flow. Ordinarily this side result lasts a short time though, and is caused by your body adjusting to the new eating lifestyle you've chosen. A great low carb diet side result comes later: Women's menstrual flow is Ordinarily reduced, and there is generally much less pain or other problems involved while you're on a low carb diet.

Many of those early low carb diet side effects can be reduced by drinking extra water and getting plentifulness of rest, plus manufacture sure you don't go hungry. In rare cases these initial low carb diet side effects can last as long as ten days, but Ordinarily they're gift from approximately the third to the fifth day of your low carb diet.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cabbage Soup Diet - A Good Starting Point to Weight Loss

It is a nightmare for a lot of people when they think of diet. Losing weight is difficult and more so keeping it off. A lot of pound-challenged people are on the look out for the perfect formula to decrease the unwanted bulges and lumps on their bodies. The cabbage soup diet is a popular option to quickly lose excess weight. This diet is also called Sacred Heart Hospital Diet or the Mayo Clinic Diet.

The cabbage soup diet is a good starting point to weight loss according to experts. It entails, as the name suggests, eating cabbage soup for seven days or a week. During the week long scheme, the one who engages in this diet consume specific foods to decrease his poundage. Unlike most programs, the cabbage soup diet is not a life altering diet.


The Basic Cabbage Soup

The soup is very easy to prepare. All you need to do is slice the vegetables and add it into a pot of broth. Let the mix boil and serve when all the vegetables are soft or tender. The following ingredients can be used:

- 1 head cabbage
- 6 medium onions
- 6 green onions
- 6 carrots
- 2 bell peppers
- 3 large tomatoes
- 5 stalks celery
- 4 oz uncooked brown rice
- Salt and freshly-ground black pepper

The cabbage soup diet doesn't offer many calories. It allows people to decrease weight as temptation to eat more or beyond appetite is well controlled. The cabbage soup acts as filler to avoid hunger or starvation. Remember, the diet doesn't limit one to eat only cabbage soup but there are specific foods that must be included. Dieticians always remind people that the cabbage diet is not a long term scheme and should only be followed for a week.

The 7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet

Day 1 - Your goal is to eat fruits except bananas. You can take as much cabbage soup as you want with your fruits. You can drink cranberry juice, unsweetened teas, or plain water.

Day 2 - Vegetable is the name of the game for the second day. Fruits should be avoided. Together with your soup, you can consume any cooked or raw vegetable. Green leafy veggies are highly recommended. Avoid corn, peas, or beans. At the end of the day you can consume a large oven baked potato with a dash of butter.

Day 3 - The concept is mixing fruits and vegetables. Drop the potato with butter. Banana is still off limits for this day. You can eat as much fruits and vegetables with your cabbage soup.

Day 4 - Consume up to eight bananas for this day. Skimmed milk will be the drink of the day. Take in as much milk and cabbage soup.

Day 5 - You can add around 20 ounces of beef to your cabbage soup. Around six potatoes and six tomatoes should be added to your soup as well. As an alternative to beef, skinless chicken can be used. It is also recommended to drink at least six glasses of water. The more water the better since this will wash away uric acid that may have accumulated in the body.

Day 6 - This will be beef day. Eat all the beef that you want together with the cabbage soup and vegetables less the potatoes.

Day 7 - Brown rice can be eaten with the vegetables and cabbage soup while drinking unsweetened fruit juices.

Dieters say that the steps for the week long cut down is a bit hard to follow but the results are incredibly pleasing to their eyes and the weighing scale. It is always wise to consult experts before engaging in any diets which may affect the health condition of your body.

Cabbage Soup Diet - A Good Starting Point to Weight Loss


Two Weeks - Diet!

Everyday citizen are looking for new get thin quick diets. They see the commercials and hear about these new diets that promise results in very short periods of time. The real examine on everyone's mind is, do they in fact work?

diet tea

I have investigated a few favorite fad diets to find out for myself. The data below might help you to resolve if any of these are right for you!


In Just Two Weeks, Diet - South Beach - This diet has 3 basic phases that you have to effect in order to vocalize weight loss and healthy eating habits. The first phase lasts around 2 weeks and is designed to eliminate cravings for sugary food. After you've completed the first phase you will go on to the next phase, which introduces more carbs, etc. Finally, you will begin the third phase and you can now eat more of the basic food groups minus the sugars and bad fats. (the occasional indulgence is okay)

In Just Two Weeks, Diet - extra K - According to the extra K diet, you can lose up to 6 pounds in two weeks if you effect the plan. You should substitute a bowl of extra K cereal or a extra K bar for breakfast and lunch, and then eat supper as you normally do. If you do this for 2 weeks you should be able to shed a consolidate pounds.

In Just Two Weeks, Diet - Slim-Fast - Slim-fast has been around for a while now, but how many citizen are in fact benefiting from it? according to this diet, you should replace your general breakfast with a Slim-fast shake or bar. You have something small for lunch along with other shake or bar. For supper you should eat almost 500 calories, your plate should consist of half veggies, quarter lean meat, and a quarter of starch (preferably whole-grain.) You are also allowed one snack that may be something small such as an apple or a slim-fast bar. Practice is encouraged with this diet.

These are just a few of the many diets that citizen have tried and will continue to try in order to lose weight. Seems like everybody has a hard time keeping up with these diets and most of the time you get sick of the same old food every day.

Two Weeks - Diet!


Controlling Cough

Expectorants or mucolytics are usually given for productive cough in the belief that they will help liquefy and loosen phlegm, making it easier to expel it from the body. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that these drugs work. The only exception to this rule is guaifenesin which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said may help in some cases.

"There's a big market out there for something called 'expectorants.' They're supposed to loosen your cough so that you can spit out the mucus in your airways. There are several different commercially available prescriptions including potassium iodide, hypertonic saline, and guaifenesin. In my view, you're probably wasting your time, money and effort on any of these preparations. With the exception of guaifenesin, which may have some liquefying effect in very large doses, I have never found these products to work," said Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital - Memorial Sloan-Kettehng Cancer Center in "The Best Treatment."


When coughing doesn't bring up phlegm or mucus, it's called dry or "unproductive." This can be triggered by ingesting cold foods or beverages which stimulate the nerves in the roof and back of the mouth. A persistent, dry cough can also be a symptom of a tumor, a heart disorder, the irritation of breathing passages from chemicals, dust and cigarettes, or the inflammation of the vocal cords.

The best treatment for this particular cough depends on what's causing it. Once the underlying condition is treated, the cough will disappear. However, it may be appropriate to take cough medicine at this time since a dry cough can be irritating and harmful in the long run.

"A harsh or forceful cough can be an irritant to the lining of the airways, just as cigarette smoke can be irritating. The act of coughing causes the air passages to contract. When this happens over and over, it leads to inflamed membranes and helps to perpetuate the cough. Coughing is similar to scratching an itch over the skin: If overdone, it can do more harm than good," according to Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

Faced with this problem, what medicine should you take? If the root of the problem is simple throat irritation, take honey, hard candy, or medicated throat lozenges. Look for products containing menthol or camphor. Their vapors have an anesthetic or analgesic effect on the throat.

"Some cough lozenges contain soothing substances such as honey, liquorice, or glycerin which may act on the surface of the throat. They may also contain pleasant smelling and tasting substances such as peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon, lemon, clove or aniseed. The main effect of these preparations is that their smell or taste may help you feel better. They may increase the production of saliva which is soothing and helps to wash the inflamed surface of the throat. Don't take cough medicines which contain the same ingredients in liquid form since they are swallowed directly into the stomach and only have a fraction of a second to work locally on the throat," said Andrew Chetley in "Problem Drugs."

If that doesn't work, you may need a cough suppressant or antitussive. These medicines act on the portion of the brain that controls the cough reflex. Three drugs have been approved by the FDA for this purpose: codeine, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine. What can you expect from these drugs? Find out in the third part of this series.

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit (Next: Are other cough remedies safe?).

Controlling Cough


Monday, July 25, 2011

Special Diets in the Hospital Setting

An individual can choose from the different types and popular diets in this world. Normally, an individual should follow and maintain a balanced diet and a balanced diet includes the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fat and minerals. These are all necessary in achieving optimum health and in keeping the body particularly the immune system to be strong and full of energy.

It is difficult when an individual is not able to follow the right intake of meals. It is advised that an individual eats a full meal three times in a day especially when the individual uses energy most of the time. If the stomach is empty, there is an absence of the process called digestion. In digestion, the food is broken down into pieces and turned into chemical components that are vital in providing energy to the body. It is just important that we learn to value the importance of eating on the right time and eating the right food in the right amount.


The different diets that you have probably heard have different purposes. They are created specifically to meet the demands of an individual's body just the same as all the tazer products which were created to meet the safety demands of the people. Like for instance those individuals who have allergies, they need to maintain a specific type of diet that does not include those foods that will aggravate their allergy. The specification will prevent them from encountering different health problems.

The sick people or those who are confined in the hospital are also advised to follow and comply with the diet ordered by their physician. As mentioned earlier, it has a purpose and the purpose is to keep the individual free from any health illnesses resulting to the intake of wrong food preparations.

For the hypertensive clients, they need to maintain a low salt and a low fat diet. As you can see, sodium and cholesterol increases the blood pressure of an individual. Fatty foods can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases while too much salt in the food disables the kidney to filter waste products which will then result to the formation of kidney stones. For you to have a better understanding, you need to have enough knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the human body the same as having enough knowledge on the functions and uses of the streetwise stun baton for self defense. Remember that the food we take in is processed by the different organs in the body until it already becomes chemicals that are important in the normal functioning of the body.

Diabetic diet is advised to those individuals who are suffering from diabetes. They need to avoid high sugar foods or perhaps maintain the right amount of sugar to prevent them from experiencing hypoglycemia or the opposite.

Calcium rich diet is best for those who are suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. Minerals, phosphorus and calcium are essential for bone building. High fiber diet is ordered for those individuals having difficulty passing out stools. Bland diet is intended for clients with gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcer. In almost any hospital, these types of diet are being followed.

Physicians and dieticians need to work hand in hand in the management of the client's disease. Following the right diet in the hospital is important and will keep the sick individual from getting weaker.

Special Diets in the Hospital Setting


Friday, July 22, 2011

Hospital 3 Day Diet - Birmingham Hospital Diet Review

The Hospital 3 Day Diet, which is also known as the Birmingham Hospital Diet, has become popular due to claims that the diet was created as a means of enabling patients intended for surgery to lose up to 10 lbs in weight over a period of three days. Other sources attribute the origin of this diet plan to the University of Alabama.

It should be noted that these institutions do not make that claim and do not accept any responsibility towards those who follow the diet.


Notwithstanding the uncertainty of its origins, there is little doubt that this simple diet plan has become widespread and that many people have used it, often coming across the weight loss strategy under one of its many names. Apart from the Hospital 3 Day Diet, it is also known as Alabama 3 Day Diet, 3 day Tuna Diet, Tuna Fish Diet, 3 Day Cardiac Diet, and others.

The content of these weight loss diet plans is very similar and will here be treated as essentially the same.

A key element of the Hospital 3 Day Diet is that it contains a low daily calorie level of about 1,000 calories with specified ingredients to provide the protein, carbohydrates, fat (very little) and other nutrients that we need to survive. For a full description of the menu plan, do a quick search for my article "3 Day Tuna Fish Diet - Menu and Diet Plan".

In brief, the plan outlines the foods to be included for breakfast, lunch and dinner over a three day period.

There are many reports of weight reduction from those who have followed the diet. The amount of claimed weight lost during that time varies, as might be expected with so many differing metabolisms and food requirements being involved. However, a minimum weight reduction of at least 2.5 lbs does seem attainable and likely.

Much of the weight loss from a diet of such a short duration probably comes from water loss. As well, with a calorie count of about 1,000 this would be well below normal requirements for most adults, so energy expended would also account for some of the loss.

However, whilst not a 'starvation diet', the Birmingham Hospital Diet is likely to generate user problems if continued beyond the recommended 3 days. For instance, it is normal for our bodies to make adjustments when a food shortage is detected. This is a survival mechanism which protects us when little food is available, as in times of famine. The body slows metabolism and conserves fat stores to enable us to survive longer with less food. This actually makes it harder to lose weight, we have less energy and tire more easily. Not a satisfactory long term condition!

Although there may be some short-term loss advantage, the feelings of hunger experienced by the end of the diet encourage extra food intake after the diet has been completed. A better alternative is a program that does not produce a craving for food, does not cause the body to slow its activities, and takes into account nutritional requirements so that changes in eating habits would allow fat loss to happen over a longer period and be lasting.

Rather than following a simple, low calorie diet plan, losing weight over an extended period allows other tactics to be employed in the plan, such as 'calorie shifting', placing greater emphasis on fat loss and adequate nutrition. This is more likely in the long run to provide health benefits and sustainable weight loss.

Hospital 3 Day Diet - Birmingham Hospital Diet Review


Sacred Heart Diet

The Sacred Heart Diet is designed for citizen to lose weight speedily over a seven day period. The main source of food is a soup made of vegetables and broth. It is said that up to ten pounds can be shed on this seven day diet plan. This diet also claims to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and give the body a burst of energy.

This diet has also been called several names together with the Cabbage Soup Diet, The Cleveland Clinic Diet and the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet.
(Even though it has been rumored that this diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital, there is no evidence to reserve this claim.)


The Sacred Heart Diet eliminates the following foods:

o alcohol
o bread
o carbonated drinks such sodas and diet sodas
o fried foods

Beverages that are allowed are:

o coffee
o skim milk
o unsweetened fruit juices
o tea and herbal teas
o plenty of water

The ingredients of the sacred heart diet soup vary. The following are tasteless ingredients:

o green onions
o beef broth
o soup mix
o celery
o green beans
o carrots
o green peppers
o stewed tomatoes
o potatoes

All vegetable are to be cut into small pieces and covered with water and then brought to a boil and cooked over high heat for ten minutes and then the vegetables should be simmered until tender. Salt and pepper, parsley, curry powder and bouillon can be used for seasoning if so desired.

The guidelines are detailed and should be strictly followed for best results. The soup can be eaten everyday because it does not add calories.

The seven day sacred heart diet plan is as follows:

Day One - eat any fresh fruit with the irregularity of bananas. Only the soup and fruit are to be eaten on day one

Day Two - eat raw, cooked, or canned vegetables. Dry beans, corn and peas should be avoided. A baked potato and butter should be eaten at dinnertime

Day Three - the soup, fruits and vegetables are to be eaten

Day Four - consume a minimum of three bananas and as much skim milk as desired

Day Five - eat ten to twenty ounces of lean beef and a can of tomatoes or as many as six fresh tomatoes

Day Six - eat any desired amount of beef and vegetables. The soup can be eaten as well, but a baked potato can not be eaten

Day Seven - eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and fresh vegetables. Cooked fresh vegetables can be added to the rice if desired

The con side of this diet is that it can be very restrictive for many citizen and there is not any evidence that this diet results in weight loss. And there is the risk of gorging on foods once the seven day period is over because of these restrictions. Nor are there any guidelines for maintaining long term weight loss.

The pro side of the scared heart diet is that it offers many health benefits such as the consumption of fruits and vegetables and lean protein. Plus this diet is rich with nutrients, minerals and fiber and does not include any refined sugars, flour or fat.

Research has found that the Sacred Heart Diet is more effective when used in conjunction with the lawful acai diet. Acai is a berry that grows in the Brazilian rain forest, and has been enjoyed by natives for hundreds of years. It has dozes of anti-oxidant properties and accelerates the metabolic process which makes your body burn fat faster and lose weight more rapidly. You can learn more about how to use the Sacred Heart Diet in conjuction with the acai diet at lawful Acai Diet [].

Sacred Heart Diet


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sacred Heart Diet Reviews

Another beloved fad diet is the Sacred Heart Diet. The diet was idea to generate at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital, where it was regularly used for overweight patients who had heart problems. However, many other Sacred Heart Diet reviews state that this is a myth. Read on to know more!

The Sacred Heart Diet is also known as a few other names; for example, Spokane Heart Diet, Miami Heart invent Diet, Cleveland Clinic Diet, and lastly the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet. None of these hospitals claim any affiliation to this diet.


The Sacred Heart Diet is basically a soup diet that is very similar to the cabbage soup diet. It claims that most citizen will lose anywhere from 10 pounds to 17 pounds while the first week on the diet. Agreeing to user reviews, citizen generally do lose a moderate amount of weight the first week, however, this is mostly water weight. The heavier the someone is, the more weight will also be lost.

The Sacred Heart Diet can also be considered a calorie controlled diet. There is a needful discount in fat compared to the normal person's amount eaten because the diet focuses on eating vegetables and fruit. It isn't nutritionally sound in the long haul. You would need to add more whole foods to the diet to get nutrients you would otherwise lack.

The Sacred Heart Diet lasts 7 days. On each day you are to eat clear things. Some users of the diet have other variations, but the key is to focus on fruits, and soups made with vegetables.

On Day 1 - You can have any fruit except bananas. Only eat fruit and soup this day.
On Day 2 - You can eat all vegetables. These can be cooked, canned, or raw. Try to stay away from starchy vegetables (such as corn and potatoes) and try to eat as many leafy greens as you can (kale, lettuce, romaine etc).
On Day 3 - You can eat all the veggie soup and fruit you want, but stay away from starchy vegetables such as potatoes.
On Day 4 - On this day the focus is potassium. You need to eat at least 3 bananas on this day and drink milk, along with soup.
On Day 5 - On this day you can eat beef. Have no more than 20 oz of beef throughout the day. This will be eaten with tomatoes, no more than six. Have the normal soup at least once on this day
On Day 6 - You can eat as much beef and vegetables as you like. Eat no starchy vegetables and try to concentrate leafy greens into your diet today. Make sure to have the soup once on this day at least.
On Day 7 - You are to eat fruits that are unsweetened, vegetables, soup, and brown rice until you're satisfied.

The liquids allowed on the diet are: tea, coffee, skim milk, water, and juice that's not sweetened.

The formula for the soup is as follows:

2 Green Peppers
2 lbs of Carrots
2 cans of green beans
1 bunch of celery
1 to 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
3 or more large green onions
1 can of beef broth (with no fat)

The idea is to make a big batch of the soup and eat it throughout the day when you're hungry. You can season your soup with salt, parsley, pepper, buouillons, or even Worcestershire sauce. After you cut up and mix the ingredients together, plainly boil for 10 minutes. Then sell out the heat and cook until your vegetables are a bit tender.

Along with a healthy diet see what worked for me

Sacred Heart Diet Reviews


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - A impart

The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet (also known as the Sacred Heart Diet) is an additional one of those diets which, like the Tuna Fish Diet, is attributed to hospital staff who were attempting to reduce the weight of a cardiac sick person by some 10 lbs. It has been colse to since at least the 1980's and takes the form of a vegetable soup which is consumed, along with a few other foods, over a duration of seven days.

Intending users should be aware that the origin of this plan is uncertain. Hospitals have denied being the source, as have other institutions that have been nominated as likely creators, together with the American Heart Association.


Nonetheless, the diet continues to be circulated and has adherents who are happy to use it, along with others who were skeptical or did not find it useful. This soup diet is also known as the Cleveland Clinic Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, and the Spokane Heart Diet. I have found reports from users who state that they were introduced to it by their healing practitioner.

The dieter is imaginable to eat the soup at least once a day and, at varied times, meats, rice, vegetables and fruit may be included in the eating plan. Excluded are bread and alcohol. Included are Chicken Noodle Soup, stewed tomatoes, beef broth, celery and more. The only drinks permitted are water, black coffee, cranberry juice (unsweetened) and skimmed milk. A detailed figure of this plan can be found with a quick quest for my article "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - method and Diet Plan".


1. The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet is essentially a low calorie, short term diet, with the difficulties typical of such a plan, such as dizziness, lack of energy, occasional diarrhea and sometimes fainting.

2. Short term weight loss is often water loss rather than fat loss and is indeed regained once the diet has ended.

3. The body tends to conserve vigor and fat reserves with low calorie diets. This makes it harder for persisting weight loss to occur.

4. There are reports of indispensable amounts of weight reduction but the feelings of hunger and discomfort caused by this diet plan make it likely the user will eat excessively after the seven days of restricted eating. Thus the whole of weight that has been lost will soon be regained.

5. A convert in eating habits is not required except for the seven day duration of the diet. This means that the benefits are unlikely to continue as returning to the same conditions as before will soon restore anything has been lost.

To gather persisting weight loss requires, in effect, a convert of lifestyle - a different option of foods as part of the normal diet rather than a crash schedule that adds stress to the body and provides only short term benefits. Such a plan would consist of food that has high nutritional value and suits the tastes and preferences of the dieter. As well, a indispensable part of the weight that has been lost should be fat loss and not merely water which is indeed replaced. Unfortunately, the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet does not meet these requirements.

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - A impart


About Sacred Heart Diet (Sacred Heart curative Diet)

This diet has a schedule of seven days where each day the dieter will be eating separate food, at the same time eating the sacred heart soup.

This diet has claimed to be production the dieter loose about seven to 10 pounds in seven days. Apart from that, the diet would have some detoxification effect on the dieter's body. However, the weight loss of the dieter could be temporary if the dieter does not have permissible diet after having this weight loss diet. The presume is most of the pound that loose is water weight.


There are saying that this diet is originated from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. Nevertheless, the hospital denied the saying and issuing statement not recommending this diet.

For the habitancy who wants to lose seven to 10 pounds in seven days. This is the recommended diet. But this type of diet should not be practiced as part of every day lifestyle.

To custom this diet, the sacred heart soup has to be prepared before starting of the diet. There are a few ways to prepare the soup. The ingredients of the soup are in general vegetables, celery, tomato, beans carrots, and mushrooms. Some onion, bell pepper, herbs and spices would be added to the soup for flavor and taste. The prepared soup is to be eaten in seven days with some solid foods recommended in the meal plan.

There are always pros and cons while taking any diet. This diet is not exceptional. It is always best to consult your bodily health care practitioner on individual's suitability before picking up any weight loss diet.

Some of the risks and disadvantage for the diet are restricting of foods on each day. This may make the dieter taking not enough nutrition while the diet period.

This diet does not recommending any exercise. Generally, practice is an valuable fraction of any weight loss program.

About Sacred Heart Diet (Sacred Heart curative Diet)


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

St Johns Hospital Diet

However unbelievable this may sound, I did manage to successfully lose 9 pounds in 3 days with the help of St Johns Hospital 3 day diet. Looking and feeling much better and healthier was an instant result because of the amazing 3 day diet I experienced in St Johns Hospital. If you are a little unsure about this particular diet,
I am here to tell you not to worry as it is very safe and efficient. Amazing things can be done by going through a diet like this and to be honest with you, unlike most diets it does not even taste bad.

Hospital have a bad reputation when it comes to their food as most people tend to think that all the food served in hospital are always bland and boring with little or no taste. However, this is becoming a thing of the past. as hospital foods are becoming more and more delicious and tasty to go along with the healthy nutrition in their food as well. Overall, The food preparation and medical care in hospitals such as St Johns Hospital are improving day by day.


The St Johns 3 days hospital diet is pretty decent tasting and even though its menu does include the typical hospital food you would normally get, it does not necessarily mean it is going to taste bad.

The chemicals contained in the food are the main factor involved in St Johns 3 day hospital diet and that is the main reason why you cannot replace the food any way you like as no food substitution is allowed for this diet to be effective. The different food components mix together to form a combination to help in your weight loss. Once you are done with the St Johns 3 day hospital diet it is recommended that you do not continue the diet after day 3 and just stop because the sole purpose is to provide a motivation for you for that push you need to enhance your weight loss program. However, If you wish to go back to the St Johns 3 Day hospital diet then it is not a problem just do not do it continuously and give it a 4 day interval between each time you do the 3 day diet. Always keep in mind as well during those 4 interval break days between the hospital diets do not eat fatty and unhealthy food but just eat reasonably and healthy.

The following is the list of food items that you should consume in the St Johns 3 day hospital diet:

1st Day:

Breakfast - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1/2 of a grapefruit, 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and a tablespoonful of peanut butter.

Lunch - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 ounce of cheddar or 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and 1/2 cup of tuna (plain, packed in water)

Dinner - 3 ounces of lean meat (chicken), 1 cup green beans, 1 cup of carrots, 1 small apple, and - get this now - 1 cup of vanilla ice cream (Delicious!)

2nd Day:

Breakfast - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 egg, 1 slice of toast with nothing on it, and 1/2 a banana

Lunch - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1/2 cup of tuna or 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese, and 5 regular saltines.

Dinner - beef hot dogs (sans buns), 1 cup of broccoli, 1/2 cup of carrots or turnip greens, 1/2 banana, and 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

3rd Day:

Breakfast - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, a small apple, 1 ounce of cheddar cheese (sharp or mild does not matter), and 5 regular saltine crackers with nothing on them

Lunch - A cup of plain black coffee or tea, 1 hard-boiled egg, and 1 slice of toast with nothing on it

Dinner - 1 cup plain tuna again, 1 cup cauliflower or 1 cup kidney beans, 1 cup carrots or beets, 1 cup of watermelon or cantaloupe, and 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream.

For those that have been to basically any hospital the food menu looks familiar doesn't it? Think of it this way, if the hospital is serving it then it must be good for you as they will not serve food to make you even more unhealthy or sick and that is why I am a fan of St Johns 3 day hospital diet and feel safe in taking up such a diet. Trust me it works as I have gone through it. It felt amazing losing 9 pounds in just those 3 days and now with this information hopefully you can feel amazing too. It takes just 3 days! Thanks St Johns hospital diet!

St Johns Hospital Diet


Sacred Heart medical Diet

The Sacred Heart healing Diet is a soup based diet that has gotten a bad name as potentially being a "fad" diet. The core buildings of the diet is its focus on wholesome and filling foods to push the dieter into a good state of health to pace from. Not only does the diet encourage a shift toward fruit and vegetable consumption, but it's confidence on soup keeps you full at all times. Weight loss potential on this diet is significant, but not overly optimistic. Most dieters see colse to 10 pounds of weight loss in the 7 days they engage in the program, with some reaching loss targets as high as 17 pounds.

The linchpin of this diet is the heart vegetable soup that is the focus of every meal. Heavily reliant on tomatoes, onions, celery, green beans, carrots, and green peppers, the soup that you eat everyday in unlimited quantities keeps you all the time feeling full and loads you down with vital nutrients. The high water article of the foods and naturally, the soup, helps to cleanse your principles of toxins along with heavy fats and proteins from your body. Fruits and vegetables are interchanged daily as other unlimited food source to help stave off boredom with the soup, and force you into getting a maximum dose of natural nutrients that a general diet may be short-changing you on.


Days 5 and 6 allow you to add beef back into your diet so that you can voice a wholesome protein level, and your last day, day 7, finishes you out on brown rice to return your non-refined carbohydrate level. You can use this diet as often as you like, but like anything, it is most productive with a tendency toward moderation. Overall, the range allowed with this diet is enough to keep almost anyone from getting bored with the staple soup.

The diet works by virtue of its tendency to cleanse your principles and the balance that the soup creates to your caloric load. A part of the weight you lose is due to the buildup of garbage in your Gi tract that the cleanse frees you of, and the bulk of the weight you lose comes from the negative calorie nature of the soup you are required to eat throughout the week. At the end you are left lighter, refreshed, and ready to begin anew with a clean body!

If you want to see how a clean body looks that lost weight check out this online weight loss journal.

Sacred Heart medical Diet


Monday, July 18, 2011

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - formula and Diet Plan

The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet has been colse to for decades under a variety of names, including the Sacred Heart Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, and the Spokane Heart Diet. Although no institution lays claim to being its source, the details of this meal plan have been widely circulated and, in some instances, even recommended by medical professionals. There are claims that users can lose up to 10 lbs in a week by following the steps described here.

However, dieters are cautioned to consult their medical advisers before using this diet.


The main component of the plan is vegetable Soup. You are required to make a pot of soup with the ingredients described here. You can have as much of the soup as you like over a period of seven days, along with a few other items that are mentioned below.

Soup Contents:

* One or two cans of stewed tomatoes.
* One large can of beef broth (without fat)
* Three or more large green onions
* One packet/can of chicken noodle soup (similar to Lipton Soup mix)
* One bunch of celery
* Two green peppers
* Two pounds of carrots
* Two cans of green beans

Seasoning: Pepper, salt, parsley, curry, bouillon, and Worcestershire sauce are permitted.

Process: Cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and cover with water. Boil on high for ten minutes, then simmer until the veggies are tender.

The soup can be eaten at any time you are feeling hungry, in any quantities. It does not add calories.


* Tea, including herbal teas
* Coffee
* Skimmed milk
* Cranberry juice
* plentifulness of water. Eight glasses per day recommended.


No alcohol while the seven days of the diet. Allow at least half a day after finishing it before piquant any alcohol.
No bread
No carbonated drinks, such as sodas
No fried foods

Daily Plan

Day 1: Eat any fruit except bananas. Watermelon and Cantaloupes are recommended as they have fewer calories than most other fruits. Food today consists of fruit and soup only.

Day 2: Eat plentifulness of veggies today, whether cooked, raw or canned. Green leafy veggies are preferred. Try to avoid corn, peas and dry beans. No fruits today. As much soup as you want. At dinnertime, a baked potato with butter is allowed as a treat.

Day 3: No baked potato today but have all the soup, fruit and vegetables you can manage.

Progress Report: If you haven't cheated, you will probably find that you are about 5 lbs lighter at this stage. If you find that your bowel movements have changed, eat a cup of bran or other high fiber food.

Day 4: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much skim milk as you want. Also be sure to have at least one serving of the soup. Your body now needs the potassium, carbohydrates, proteins and calcium contained in the bananas and skim milk.

Day 5: Eat 10 to 20 oz of beef (or non-fried, skinless chicken) and up to 6 tomatoes, as well as at least one serving of soup.

Day 6: Eat beef (or non-fried, skinless chicken) and veggies - as much as you like, especially green leafy veggies. At least one serving of soup.

Day 7: Have plentifulness of soup. Brown rice, veggies and unsweetened fruit juice allowed. Cooked veggies may be added to your rice, if you like.

Broiled fish may be replaced for the beef on one day.

Progress Report: By this stage, at least 10 lbs of weight should have been lost.

Stay off the diet for two days before beginning it again.

Although this diet has more merit than most short-term diets in that it pays closer attention to nutritional requirements while the seven days it is to be followed, the restrictions mean that it can become boring, which increases the temptations to eat snack food or binge on fatty foods. For sustainable weight loss, menus which take into inventory your food preferences as well as nutritional needs and food groups are easier to follow and more likely to follow in fat loss that does not return.

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - formula and Diet Plan


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hospital 3 Day Diet - Is This Just Another Low Calorie Plan?

There is a diet that has been getting more recognition lately. It is called the Hospital 3 day diet and was originated at the Birmingham Hospital. At least that is the claim. Its main appeal is that it helps the patient lose up to 10 pounds over a three day period of time. Now the institution it was named after takes no affiliation with the diet.

The main theme of the Hospital 3 day diet is low calories. This low caloric diet gives you the limit of approximately 1,000 calories per day over the three days. This diet has also been given the name of the 3 day Tuna Diet because a main food source is the tuna fish. We are not going to go over the menu of the diet, but rather we will discuss if it works or not. Many people who have tried the diet have lost weight with it. It really is just basic science that if you cut your calories drastically you will lose weight. This diet is nothing special when it comes to that. The biggest problem with the program is how many calories you must cut out. It can be unhealthy for some people to even try this diet because of the severe cut in calories.


This diet may or may not be for you. I personally think that there are far better alternatives to the Hospital 3 Day Diet. I prefer a more balanced program that is a lifestyle choice instead of a gimmick. Long term weight loss does not come from gimmicks, but from hard work and consistent balanced lifestyles.

Hospital 3 Day Diet - Is This Just Another Low Calorie Plan?


Friday, July 15, 2011

Seven-Day Cabbage Soup Diet - The Sacred Heart Hospital's Diet

The Seven-day Cabbage Soup Diet is proven to be one of the best, safest, and quickest ways to lose weight. It is very easy and easy to follow. You will be taking this diet for one week at a time. This is the best regimen for beginners. Dieters like this schedule because it can be taken anytime, either morning or evening.

The benefits of the Seven-day Cabbage Soup Diet Plan are the following:


o It is low-caloric. The tendency is that you will not be overeating, thus you lose weight.
o It acts as good filler, thus you will not be feeling any hunger pang or starvation.
o There are very minimal side effects to this regimen.
o Losing weight is very fast.

Here are the ingredients that you will need in order to get ready the meal:

o 6 large onions
o 1-2 cans of diced tomatoes
o 2 green peppers
o 1 cabbage head
o 1-2 cubes of bouillon
o a bunch of celery
o a container of Lipton onion soup mix

On the first day, you may eat all the fruits that you wish except for bananas. You can also take in unsweetened tea, cranberry juice, and water. On the second day, you may eat all kinds of cooked or raw vegetables except dry beans, corn, and peas. On the third day, you may have all the soup you want as well as fruits and vegetables. On the fourth day, you must eat 8 bananas and drink fullness of water. On the fifth day, you may have 10-20 oz. Of beef. On the sixth day, you may eat vegetables and meat. On the seventh, you may have vegetables, brown rice, and fruit juices.

Seven-Day Cabbage Soup Diet - The Sacred Heart Hospital's Diet