Monday, August 15, 2011

Possibly The Most Effective And Popular Diet In The World

A couple of years ago I had a major health scare and was actually quite lucky to survive to tell the tale. On my release from hospital I was warned by the specialists that I would end up dying within a short space of time if I did not change my lifestyle. The biggest change needed to be in my diet. When faced with this life or death scenario people act and I certainly made it my first priority. I needed to find a weight loss program which was fairly easy to implement and that also made life still worth living. In this article I will write about what I think is and has proven to be for me, the perfect solution.

On my return from hospital I read many books about how to lose weight and about what people should and should not eat. A lot of what they were advising people to do seemed rather harsh and the foods that they were suggesting are basically in my opinion tasteless.


I did however realise that I needed to have far more exercise than what I had ever had before. I am not exactly sporting and knew that this would be quite difficult for me.

What I decided to do was to have a pet dog. I have always loved dogs but the primary reason would be to take this new pet for a lot of walks. I now take this dog for seven half an hour walks every day.

I also realised that I needed to eat a lot more fruit. Experts suggest five items a day, I have decided to eat six, three bananas and three satsumas.

Now I am sure that this form of diet is not suitable for everybody but it has worked for me.

Possibly The Most Effective And Popular Diet In The World



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