Friday, September 9, 2011

The Lettuce Diet

Not many know how useful lettuce can be to your weight loss plan. If you are planning to lose weight incorporating kind amounts of lettuce in your diet will help you accomplish your goal faster. A lettuce diet is easy and efficient and can surely make you break a weight loss plateau.

diethyl ether

Incorporate lettuce in your diet


1. Lettuce is very high in fibers.

Fibers keep your stomach feeling full for a longer period of time. Have a giant sized lettuce salad before you begin your meals. This will fill your stomach and you will not feel like eating that high calorie dessert or fattening carbohydrates towards the end of the meal. And since lettuce is exceptionally low in calories, a lettuce diet will inevitably make you lose weight.

2. Mix up your lettuce salad with other green leafy vegetables.

You can add tomatoes and cucumbers also. These will not only add collection to your lettuce diet and pamper your taste buds but also make the diet more efficient since tomato and cucumber like lettuce are good diuretics. Diuretics eliminate fluids and fatty acids that deposits itself on our body cells thus making you lose weight.

3. But dress your salad carefully.

Do not add fancy dressings to your salads since they do nothing but add excess calories to your food. They will most surely ensure that your lettuce diet does not work.

Lettuce is very high in fiber content and contains about 90% water. The vegetable is also highly low in calories. A lettuce diet provides you with fiber that keeps your stomach full making you eat less and also gives you a natural diuretic that flushes out excess fluids and fats. Both of these help you lose weight and stay slim. Lettuce also stocks you up on important vitamins and minerals, ensuring that you do not suffer from nutrient scantness while on diet. You stay in shape and remain healthy at the same time.

The Lettuce Diet



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