Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Popcorn Diet Vs the Day Off Diet

The Popcorn Diet Is Silly

diethyl ether

Any diet such as this that focuses on one food that you are supposed to eat over and over again is, well, silly. And that's legitimately the nicest word I could come up with to narrate it! Do not waste your time with any of these diets. They do not work. They are not a explication to anything. Sure if you eat nothing but popcorn you will lose weight. But so what? You'll lose weight if you eat nothing at all too, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.


As soon as you go off The Popcorn Diet (and I assume you don't plan on eating just popcorn for the rest of your life, do you?) you will gain any weight you lost right back! And most likely you'll gain it back with interest. Why? Because when you go on a starvation diet you lose water weight and muscle weight first. It's likely you'll replace the "good weight" (muscle) you lost with "bad weight" (fat.) This a net negative for you! Do not waste your time with any such silly fad diets.

The Day Off Diet Is Not A Gimmick

It's easy to think of The Day Off Diet as a "gimmick" diet because of the fact that it allows you to eat anything you want for one day a week (your "day off") but the fact is, this strategy is based in science (unlike unintelligent diets like The Popcorn Diet.) The idea is that the metabolism naturally slows down on other diets over time and that eventually it becomes very hard to lose fat because the metabolism is so slow. The weekly "calorie spike" of The Day Off Diet military your body's metabolism into high gear which military your body to burn fat!

So the "day off" is far from a gimmick, it's significant to the diets success.

Of policy there's a lot more to the Day Off Diet than just the fact that you get to take a day off every 7th day! You have to eat the right foods on the other 6 days to make the 7th day work as planned.

The Popcorn Diet Vs the Day Off Diet



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