Friday, October 14, 2011

Diabetes Diet - A Low Gi Diet Is valuable

With your diabetes diet a low Gi diet is needful if you want to achieve optimum condition and conduct your diabetes effectively. The key to your success is the diet you implement, and a low Gi diet is very recommended. It may sound difficult and you might even think that the foods that are low in Gi are terrible, well let me tell you how surprised you will be, the majority of the foods are what you are already eating or they are foods that you will like.

diet journal

So what exactly is the Gi? The glycemic index (Gi) is a portion of carbohydrate quality. It is this portion that best describes how much carbohydrates (the sugars and starches) in the private foods sway our blood glucose levels.


Following is a list of what the Gi is:

The Gi is a tool that allows you pick the right type of carbohydrates The Gi is on a scale from 0 to 100 that reflects how fast the carbohydrates in our foods hit our bloodstream An important point to remember is that the Gi legitimately compares foods not per 100 grams of food, but does so per gram of carbohydrate A low Gi food contains carbohydrates that has the least sway on your blood glucose levels, this means the Gi is 55 or less A high Gi food contains carbohydrates that has the largest sway on your blood glucose levels, this means the Gi is 70 or more

A low Gi diet plus quarterly exercise is the most marvelous and rewarding way that you can achieve optimal condition and insulin sensitivity and the decreasing of insulin levels throughout the policy of your day.

Many people that are overweight have the challenge of ignoring the hunger pangs throughout the day, this is where a diabetes diet of low Gi foods will help and be very beneficial. It has been scientifically proven that low Gi foods are more filling than the foods that are high in Gi. These foods not only give you the feeling of being full right away, but they legitimately delay the hunger pangs for longer and will sacrifice your food intake.

Following are 10 steps for a low Gi diabetes diet:

Ensure that you eat regularly Choose the low Gi forms of bread and cereals Eat at least seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day Reduce your salt intake Limit your alcohol intake Add more legumes like beans, chickpeas and lentils to your diet Always pick lean meats Eat fish or an alternative source of omega-3 at least twice a week Choose low fat dairy products, and Eat nuts on a quarterly basis

By implementing these steps into your low Gi diabetes diet you will be able to legitimately conduct your diabetes and avoid the complications that can be fatal.

Diabetes Diet - A Low Gi Diet Is valuable



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