Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sound Healing with Tibetan Bowls

Sound healing is rapidly gaining recognition internationally as an integral part of the healing process for cancer patients. It has also been effective in relieving pain and in the treatment of stress related afflictions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, insomnia, pain and depression. Mainstream medical teaching facilities like Duke University and the University of North Carolina have added programs that link body/mind and spirit to the treatment of cancer. Cancer Prevention centers are utilizing sound as a vital part of the healing process for patients with astounding results.

I, like many healers believe that illness is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body; an imbalance in the cells or a given organ and that healing can be achieved by restoring the normal vibratory frequencies of the diseased, out-of-harmony parts of the body. Vibrational healing, especially with sound is a potent way of restoring the body to its' normal vibratory frequency.


All matter is energy vibrating at different rates and by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. In this case the healing process is initiated by entraining our brainwaves and creating sympathetic resonance with the perfect vibrations of the bowls. When we add intention to the frequency, the healing potential is increased even more. That intention can be through prayer, chanting, and even silent focused attention, but declaring it in an audible manner is best.

Another way of saying that is the fundamental state of the universe is a state of absolute harmony. Our core state, because we are part of the natural universe is also one of harmony and great ease. When we disconnect from our core state through stress, distraction, illness and the challenges of daily life, it creates dis-ease: spiritual, physical and mental. Sound from the Tibetan bowls gently nudges us back to our natural state of blissful tranquility and alignment.

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in NY has been using sound, including Tibetan Bowls, Crystal bowls and Chanting in work with cancer patients for many years. "If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals o n a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."

According to an article in Spirituality and Health magazine Dr. Gaynors' research shows that the sound vibration of the bowls affects the disrhythmic motion found in cancer cells and cause a harmonious transformation. In a blind study he found that there was a 50% shorter recovery time from chemo patients for those who used the bowls regularly and that when bowls were used in the early stages of cancer, during consultations with patients, their level of anxiety and stress was greatly reduced.

Imagine how making a solid, well thought out decision about ones future would be improved in a context void of stress and anxiety. Imagine also how the ability to repeatedly connect with that sense of tranquility during the discomfort of chemotherapy increases the quality of life for cancer patients.

Research by Dr. David Simon, medical director of neurological services at Sharp Cabrillo Hospital in San Diego and medical director at the Chopra Center found that chants are chemically metabolized into 'endogenous opiates', that act on the body as internal painkillers and healing agents.

In my own research with sound using biofeedback equipment I found that the harmonics produced by the Himalayan (Tibetan) Singing Bowls have transformative abilities (brain activity, heart rate and body temperature have diminished during sessions) creating a deeply peaceful state of being while energizing the brain.

Biofeedback is a scientifically valid measurement devise used to help individuals gain voluntary control over several different Autonomic Nervous System functions. Research has shown that when breathing and heart rate are in synch this produces a resonant frequency in the body (similar to the resonance being produced by the Tibetan bowls). This is extremely beneficial for the heart and the entire body. Stress related disorders, pain, and many other disorders are predicted by whether or not a person is achieving cardio-respiratory synchrony. During sessions of Tibetan bowl sound therapy, cardio-respiratory synchrony increased dramatically as measured by J&J Engineered Biofeedback equipment. Data showed that during the sound therapy sessions there was an increase in Parasympathetic Nervous System activity and decrease in Sympathetic Nervous System drive. The relaxation response was initiated and the stress response was inhibited. This means the Autonomic Nervous System was balanced for the majority of the session. The resonance of the bowls produced slow breathing of approximately six breaths per minute which produced beneficial effects on the heart and whole body.

These results are promising in that Tibetan bowl sound therapy increases cardio-respiratory synchrony and resonance within the body. Therefore, there are many disorders that can greatly benefits from the use of Tibetan bowl sound therapy.

My clients have supported the scientific findings with reports of everything from relief from pain and discomfort, clearing of sinuses, shifting out of depression, ability to sleep (for those with insomnia), re-vitalization and clarity, feeling of well being, great connectedness and deep personal transformation. Clients report a fundamental shift in their view of phenomenon space, accentuated clarity of mind and body, enhanced creativity, vigor, joy and sense of peace."

It is important to look at what healing really is and what the difference is between healing and curing. A cure is the "complete biological resolution of a diseased state", according to Dr Gaynor in his book "The Healing Power of Sound". Healing, however has more far reaching implications that occur on emotional, spiritual and physical levels. It is a regenerative process married to a spiritual awakening that can have profound consequences on illness, disease and all aspects of our lives.

Himalayan or Tibetan Singing bowls have been traced to the shamanistic Bon tradition which predates Buddhism by thousands of years. Dr. Gaynor mentions in an article in Shamans Drum magazine that the reason sound (and chanting) are still used in shamanistic cultures is that the sound induces trance states of consciousness conducive to healing. The ancient Himalayan Bowls are made from a consecrated seven metal alloy which, when skillfully stimulated, produce five individual and simultaneous tones, each at its own consistent frequency, which vibrational-ly dance with each other. The raw materials were collected, smelted and purified, cast, reheated and hammered into shape and tone. Mantras or sacred chants were sung and infused intent into the bowls. Their sound synchronizes sentient brain waves and creates a therapeutic effect upon the mind/body realization. .

Singing Bowls, produce the primordial sound of 'AUM': The fundamental utterance of energy metamorphosing into matter. They alter space, mind and time; awakening cellular memory and healing the energy body. The act of listening to their captivating overtones effectively stops one's internal dialog, the 'Monkey Mind'. The individual is transported into a space of tranquility and balance where the 'Universal Chord', found within each self, is touched, joined with and understood. The Universal Chord if you will, that is the primordial substance from which our whole reality is made and from which our Universe originated. Although the vibrational energy of the bowls can be directed to a specific area for healing purposes, they work more on a fundamental level.

These instruments are used within meditations and physical vibrational healing techniques. Their harmonic resonance is used to:

- reduce stress and pain

- balance energy

- create vitality synchronization and spontaneous healing.

- effectively alter consciousness into a peaceful and expansive meditative state. (trance induction)

- meditation

Diane Mandle is a Certified Sound Healer based in Southern California. She maintains an integrated Body/Mind private practice and conducts presentations and concerts nation wide on healing using the Himalayan bowls. She can be reached at 760-944-3441 or Her CD "Return to OM" is available on her website at


Spirituality & Health, Aug 2003

Shaman's Drum, Number 63, 2002

Richard Rudis (Sacred Sound Workshops)

Johathan Goldman, "Sound Healing"

Sound Healing with Tibetan Bowls


Three Most Popular Weight Loss Diets

Losing weight and dieting has become the order of the day in the world we live in.

It's either some one wants to lose weight or is on a diet for various reasons. People are nowadays using different diets to lose weight in a short period of time. Of the many that are available, only a few weight loss diets have effective results.


There are a lot of diets that are popular either because of the problems associated with them or because they actually work. Here we will look at 3 weight loss diets, with positive popularity, created by different people. The, which is in no particular order, list stands to be corrected as there are thousands of them out there that are also effective.

South Beach Diet: this is a popular diet by Dr. Arthur Agatston of Mt. Sinai Hospital, South Florida. The diet was initially meant for overweight patients with heart illnesses. The diet was not only helping patients in their general well being, but it also contributed in their weight loss.

Ever since, the diet has been adopted by many people to assist them in weight loss as they eat food they like. The diet includes chicken, fish, healthy fats and whole grain meals. The diets uses three phase which are; phase one or the induction, for two weeks, phase two which is the reintroduction of foods limited in the first phase then phase three which is leaning how to live around the diet in phase two. The only limitation in this diet is the high prices of some food items.

Hollywood Cookie Diet: it is another popular weight loss diet that replaces your daytime meals with special cookies. The cookies have the essential nutrients you need in your body. The diet works on a principle of low carbohydrates as it recommends less than twenty grams of carbohydrates to be consumed in a day. Cheese and meat are not restricted but vegetables, pasta and bread are either limited or restricted because of their high carbohydrates content.

The Zone Diet: this is among the easy diets to follow. It is based on a balanced intake of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% proteins. The diet is aimed at controlling the insulin produced in the body and differs from other diets because it allows the consumption of unrefined carbohydrates and fats like those contained in nuts, olive oil and avocados.

Different diets will work for different people but these seem to have a massive following. A lot of people are in search of a working diet to lose weight, if you are such, feel free to choose from these three and see whether they will work for you. Be patient and follow the diet's plan or you will not get the desired results.

Three Most Popular Weight Loss Diets


Hcg Diet - A Step By Step Guide To Having A flourishing Diet

For the past few years I have helped thousands of population seeing to lose weight using the Hcg diet. During this time I have heard hundreds if not thousands of questions and a lot of those are 'How does the Hcg Diet work?'

diet tea

The diet works in 3 phases beginning with the loading days. Everyone loves the loading days! For 3 days you can eat all the foods you wish, the fattier the better. This is an valuable part of the diet, you need your body to feel overloaded, the more you load the best the outcome of the diet. Do not worry about gaining a concentrate of pounds During this process, this is general and you will lose it within a concentrate of days. population who resolve not to load properly in fear of gaining weight find that the weight does not fall off the body in any place near as much as they like. This is because when your body feels full it will try to burn off the fat much quicker so throughout the diet your body will be helping you accomplish your goal. During this time you will also be taking the Hcg Drops. These drops are to be taken 3 times a day, 10 drops each time, 20 minutes before each meal. We also contribute a oral syringe for you so you can take the exact number of drops required.


Phase 2 is where the excitement begins. On day 4 you lower the number of fat you eat each day to 500 calories. It is valuable to eat 500 fat worth of food each day. The Hcg drops will cut the hunger you feel and many population feel that by eating less they will lose weight faster. This is untrue. To continue weight loss at colse to 1 pound per day you need to feed your body the full 500 fat so it can continue burning fat. Eating more than the 500 fat any way will start to work against you and you will begin to lose less.

The 500 fat can be eaten from an beloved foods list. These foods have been found to help you throughout your diet and also withhold your body. We also contribute many dissimilar recipes for you to help you get the best and tastiest food for your diet. These recipes are for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also a few snacks for you between meals.

One very valuable part During phase 2 is drinking enough water. To work out how much water to take divide your weight in half and turn it from pounds to ounces. (I.e. 200lb / 2 = 100lb changed to ounces = 100 oz) This is vital to the success of the Hcg diet. Many population like to add a little flavor to their diet and can do so only by using Stevia. There are other products out there any way Stevia is the only one not to include any ingredients that can negatively sway your diet.

As there are 2 dissimilar diet plans, either 21 day or 40 day plans phases 3 starts at dissimilar times. For a 1 day schedule on day 25 you will begin phase 3 and on a 40 day schedule you begin phase 3 on day 44.

Phase 3 helps you start to mouth your new self. This is to help stop gaining the weight back. During this phase you will stop taking the drops. You will continue the 500 fat diet without the drops for 3 days (it takes 3 days to expel the Hcg drops from your body). After the 3 days are completed you can start moderately adding fat to your diet from an beloved (and enlarged from phase 2) foods list. You can growth your diet to 1200-1500 calories.

If you plan on losing added weight you can start a new round of the Hcg diet after phase 3 has been completed. Never go longer than 40 days on phase 2 without completing phase 3.

Hcg Diet - A Step By Step Guide To Having A flourishing Diet


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Alternative For Diet Ingredient Ephedra

Ephedra was originally used in Chinese medicine to treat hay fever and asthma for thousands of years. It wasn't until the 21st century that ephedra was introduced to the mainstream diet scene in America. Ephedra was widely used as a stimulant and thermogenic. Dozens of dietary supplement manufacturers jumped on the opportunity to add this wonder drug to their product. Ephedra helped many dieters experience dramatic results in weight loss by increasing the heart rate and metabolism.

It seemed that ephedra was on track to becoming the answer to the obesity problem in America. However, over the course of a few years dozens of ephedra related side effects were being reported. These reports would eventually get strong attention by the FDA. The side effects ranged from skin reactions and headaches to heart attack, stroke, and even death. In 2004, the evidence against ephedra was insurmountable and the FDA was forced to ban the sale of ephedra-containing dietary supplements. As predicted, appeals from ephedra supplement manufacturers were attempted but would ultimately fail. As of August 2006, the sale of ephedra based diet supplements is still illegal.


So, where did this leave dieters? Even with the negative side effects, and the fact ephedra was illegal, many dieters would still try to get there hands on this diet drug. Since Aug, 2006 a viable, safer alternative was being researched. I've spent some time researching alternatives to ephedra and all paths lead to Advantra Z also known as bitter orange. Georgetown University Medical Center and the McGill Nutrition / Food Science Center at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal have performed studies on the safety and effectiveness of Advantra Z. It's been documented that Advantra Z has been shown to increase fat-burning and speed up the metabolism.

After digging even further I found two dietary supplements containing Advantra Z as its active ingredient. These supplements are called NuPhedrine and Miracle Burn. The NuPhedrine website claims that clinical trials were performed to measure its safety and effectiveness. However, the product was released in 2007 and is, in my opinion, too young in its usage stage to determine any long term side effects. As with any diet supplements, you should always consult your doctor or physician before usage.

Good Alternative For Diet Ingredient Ephedra


11 Day Diet Plan

There have been many fad diets straight through the years. We all remember how popular they were. But in the back of our minds, we knew it would only be a matter of time before the truth came out and they faded away. The examine now becomes either the 11 Day Plan will suffer the same fate.

diet journal

Let's inspect the 11 Day Plan a dinky bit first. We know that you're allowed to exercise while on it, which is a huge benefit and what many other diets don't allow. exercise is imperative to long term success with holding weight off.


The 11 Day Diet Plan has a basic principle of shifting calorie intake based on the day. This coming is supposed to help burn fat instead of muscle because your metabolism won't slow down. With some other diets, you're dinky in your calorie intake, which speeds up your metabolism and burns muscle. With the 11 Day Diet Plan, since you're allowed calorie intake, your metabolism will be slower and you will be conserving energy.

With this diet plan you're allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, which is valuable for nutrition. There are times where you're required to eat a lot of protein, which is good, as it's a muscle builder.

There are claims that if you succeed the 11 Day Plan you can lose 9 lbs in 11 days. Is this nothing else but and truly possible? Yes. Is it potential to keep that weight off? Possible, but not realistic for most people.

11 Day Diet Plan


A Look Into hCg Diet Plan - Does hCg Diet Plan Work?

Hcg diet has been around for approximately 50 years and it has come to be more and more favorite these days. Many Tv Networks including Nbc, Abc, Cbs, Fox News and even Oprah have covered this hCg diet plan. However, this diet is somewhat controversial. Reviews on the effectiveness of this hCg diet are mixed. Many dieters have reported excellent weight loss results via this diet, losing an midpoint of 0.5 to 1 pound per day. Any way like many other diet plans, some say that this diet hasn't worked for them.

diet coke

So what is hCg diet plan? The diet was originally created by a preeminent British physician, Dr. Atw Simeons back in 1950s. He completely studied the effects of using the hCg hormone as a weight loss aid among his obese patients, and found out that hCg, a natural hormone that is gift in human body, can cause human body to metabolize the abnormal fat stores and reset the hypothalamus. With the combination of daily hCg injections and a 500-calorie-per-day diet, people can lose critical weight fast and keep the weight off for life (of course a salutary life style is required).


The hCg weight loss is reported to be especially sufficient for those who have been struggling with weight problems for years and want to lose a serious number of weight (over 20 pounds). Since its creation, thousands of people have turn to this diet and lost weight swiftly and efficiently. The diet plan focuses on a low calorie diet followed by a small daily dose of the hCg hormone, which results in a faster metabolism, so your body's natural metabolism speeds up, helping you shed off unwanted fat.

One of the many piquant benefits of this diet is that it allows for a quick weight loss. Some dieters reportedly shed off up to 40 lbs in just 6 weeks, resulting in an midpoint loss of 1 pound per day. In addition, this diet regularly won't cause dieters hunger pains or other common symptoms from losing weight quickly. Many dieters report they feel best than ever after completing this hCg diet protocol.

Another selling point of hCg diet protocol is you will not palpate hanging or loose skin from a fast weight loss. The guess for a sculpted physique is hCg hormone burns abnormal fat stores with the combination of a very low calorie diet, so dieters lose the fat but not the muscle tone. In order to avoid the loss of lean muscle tissues, dieters are advised not to rehearsal vigorously while on this diet, although light to moderate exercises such as walking is allowed.

Although the Fda approves the use of hCg as fertility drug, it contends hCg was of no use for obesity management, because "there is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction." However, dieters should understand although hCg dieters might lose similar number of weight comparing to those without hCg, they tend to lose more body fat because hCg cause dieters to lose adipose fat tissues rather than muscle or structural fat comparing to other diet programs.

There are rarely side effects reported for hCg diet plan. Although the Fda has not recommended hCg for weight administration purpose, it is legal to purchase hCg. There are many online pharmacies offering hCg without prescription. It is recommended that you consult with a trusted condition care supplier before taking on this diet.

A Look Into hCg Diet Plan - Does hCg Diet Plan Work?


Monday, November 28, 2011

Hcg Diet Dangers - Are There Any Side Effects?

Hcg diet dangers are a hot topic with population who are mental about losing weight with this improbable diet. But are there any side effects that might effect now or even in the future that you should be implicated about?

diethyl ether

Well that's a very concerned questions and it totally depends on which formula of the Hcg diet you are planning on doing. For example you can whether do the Hcg injections or you can use the newer oral Hcg drops to do the diet.


The first formula of injections has been nearby since the beginning. Dr. Simeons pioneered and tested the diet with the injections and deemed them safe sufficient for use with the diet.

But, that was with daily physician supervision and most population are doing the diet at home without direct supervision. So right there you can see there are some problems with the injections.

Also injections have been proven to cause blood clots and even raised blood pressure. That's not good for population who want to lose weight! So even though there are some side effects from the injections it can still be safe to do if you are supervised or very careful.

But the safer way to do the Hcg diet is by far the oral Hcg drops. With the oral drops you simply place 15 drops under your tongue for 30 seconds, 20 minutes before eating. This way you don't have to use injections and won't have any hazardous side effects.

Also with the oral drops you will be taking a lower dose of Hcg and that has benefits of being much safer. There are no short or long term side effects with taking oral Hcg and that is why most population are now switching over to it.

So the Hcg diet is safe with no side effects or many dangers and can be done safely if you effect the instructions. For the safest formula though use oral Hcg drops as that is the simplest, cheapest, and safest for of Hcg.

Hcg Diet Dangers - Are There Any Side Effects?