Friday, November 11, 2011

Hcg Diet overview - eye the dissimilar Phases of the Hcg Diet

There's lots of controversy surrounding the Hcg diet. In fact the opinion of 500 fat is just tough to wrap your arms around. However, is Hcg for real effective? Does Hcg for real help the process? These are all valid questions, and must be balanced against the 50 years of practical use. There are many habitancy that have been successful on the Hcg diet. Any way as with all diets, the decision must be a personal one. To help habitancy make an educated decision, I wanted to cover the phases of the Hcg diet.

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Phase I
This is the introductory phase of the diet, and prepares your body to maximize the benefits from the Hcg generated weight loss. In this stage you will start taking supplements designed to facilitate the mobilization of fat for use in metabolism. This is also the time to study phase Ii and plan your shopping and meal preparation. This phase ordinarily last one week, and provides a solid foundation for the next phase.


Phase Ii
Phase Ii begins when you start taking your Hcg however, phase Ii for real has two parts. This first is the fat loading so your introductory period on the restricted calorie diet is not quite so difficult. Proper fat loading provides the body with vigor until the Hcg can take follow and start metabolizing the fat shop in the body. A difficult transition into the restricted calorie diet is ordinarily caused by not taking in adequate fat initially. Here is a sample menu for a day of fat loading.

Breakfast: Cream cheese bagel with bacon and sausage, and a ham/cheese omelet.
Mid-morning snack: Donut with whipped cream with strawberries.
Lunch: Pork chop, potato with sour cream, and a roll with butter and a buttered veggie.
Mid-afternoon snack: Ice cream with Oreos.
Dinner: Fettuccini, cheese garlic bread, and salad with full-fat dressing, of course, cheesecake for dessert. Late-night snack: Ice cream or freezing cappuccino.

Once you have fat loaded for two days, you will start the restricted calorie diet. Initially it is coarse to have hunger cravings, but these will subside between days 5-7. fat mean about 500 per day however, you don't have to close all your food, as you will find that you are not hungry. The morning meals are supplements, water, and tea. Lunch and supper will be 3.5oz of protein, vegetables and a piece of fruit. Supplements are taken three times a day, and water intake should growth dramatically.

· Protein choices consist of beef, chicken, Chilean sea bass, flounder or sole, halibut, or shrimp.
· Fruit choices consist of apples, oranges, ½ grapefruit, or a handful of strawberries
· Vegetables consist of spinach, chard, lettuce, beet greens, broccoli, tomatoes, celery, fennel, yellow or red onion, cucumbers, asparagus, or cabbage.

Phase Ii is the most vital stage of the diet. Planning and mental establishment is the key to success.

Phase Iii
This phase locks in the weight loss achieved during phase Ii. This part of the diet is very important, and if done properly makes it much easier to maintain your weight loss. Regular calorie intake is resumed at this point however, a high protein diet is important. Fats, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and nuts are ok during this phase as well. No sugar, starch, fast foods, or heavily processed foods along with fruits that are high in sugar, or vegetables high in starch.

It is leading to weigh yourself daily. If you find yourself having gained 2lbs, you must immediately go on a steak diet. Fast for the day drinking your teas and water, then for supper eat a large steak and an apple. Your weight should return and stabilize the next day. Phase Iii will last 3 weeks.

Phase Iv
This is the lifetime maintenance of the program. You should continue to keep sugars to a minimum, and introduce starches back to your diet very slowly. Continue to eat proteins and stay away from heavily processed or fast foods. Weigh yourself often, and use the steak day if you have gained beyond your set baseline weight.

Well, that's the basics of the Hcg diet. Many habitancy along with myself have had astronomical success utilizing this plan. It is not an easy diet, and you must be mentally prepared, but you will lose weight fast. Hopefully, this helps you make a decision if this is the right diet for you.

Hcg Diet overview - eye the dissimilar Phases of the Hcg Diet



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