Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Best Candida Diet - The More Foods You Eat in Natural Form, the Better Off You Will Be

I don't think there is one particular diet that is the best candida diet. Just a little tip from me: the more food you eat in the natural, "whole" form, the better off you will be. I know that sounds so general, but there are so many diets, and which one do you follow? It all depends on your body. Now, let me explain: I chose to follow the most restrictive portion of diet when I first started, but it was what I needed as I had irritable bowel syndrome so badly that it was controlling my life and I didn't care to "wean" myself off like several other diets suggest.

Over time, I have had several tests done and found that there were foods I definitely had to stay away from, but that doesn't mean everyone has to stay away from those foods. Many of us develop allergies as we get older/become chronically ill, and it is important to avoid those foods that affect us negatively. Ironically, we often crave the very things we are allergic to.


So, my suggestion to you is to use a simple diet for at least two weeks, then gradually add back some of the foods you have taken away (one at a time), but only those that are in a "whole" form. By that, I mean don't bring in ketchup or vinegar products for example, and see if you have a reaction, whether it be physical or emotional. Keeping a daily journal will be better to help you figure out what you can and cannot handle. Personally, I try to stay away from grains, but I eat them maybe once a week (by grains I mean breads, rice, crackers, etc.), as well as beef, shellfish, and dairy.

The Best Candida Diet - The More Foods You Eat in Natural Form, the Better Off You Will Be



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