Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fructose-Free Diet

Too much of anything is not good for the body, including basic nutrient like the fructose sugar. Meat is free of this sugar. So meats of all types and also fish can be consumed without any problems. Dairy products and eggs are also free of fructose. Do not consume dairy products which are artificially sweetened.


Fructose is the uncomplicated sugar which can be gift in vegetables, fruits, some syrups and berries. It is also a part of the table sugar or sucrose. If a someone has fructose intolerance, he cannot metabolize the fructose unmistakably and condition problems start to develop. So, habitancy with fructose intolerance have to avoid eating foods with fructose.


Fructose intolerance is divided into hereditary intolerance and malabsorption. Hereditary intolerance is a genetic disorder, which is rare and habitancy with this disorder have a deficiency of an enzyme known as aldolase. This enzyme helps in breaking down and metabolizing fructose. This disorder can lead to liver or kidney damage.

Fructose malabsorption is a condition in which a someone cannot dispell fructose. This may lead to bloating, diarrhea or gas.

Some habitancy without knowing may eat foods containing fructose and land up with condition problems. Many of the natural as well as artificial foods comprise fructose. So, habitancy with fructose intolerance have to eat food without fructose.

The fruits which should be consumed for the habitancy with fructose intolerance are pineapples, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, lemons, limes, avocado, bananas, rhubarb and orange. The fruits that should not be consumed or avoided are prunes, pears, cherries, peaches, apples, plums, grapes and dates.

The vegetables which can be consumed by habitancy suffering from fructose intolerance comprise asparagus, cauliflower, green peppers, broccoli, leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, white potatoes, shallots, spinach, peas, cucumber, beans and root vegetables.

When doing your grocery shopping, keep an eye on the labels and see that the food does not comprise any fructose or sucrose. Honey and sorbitol should be avoided completely.

Fructose-Free Diet



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