Monday, September 26, 2011

High Protein Low Carb Diets Are Proven to Work

A Study from the Duke University Medical Center reveals that low carb diets really do work. A low carb diet is effective if you know how carbohydrates affect the body when you eat them. The researchers at Duke University Medical Center state "we found that the low-carb diet was more effective for weight loss." This is good news for people struggling with weight loss.

A high carb diet increases your blood sugar. When your blood sugar is elevated your body reacts to it by producing insulin in order to regulate your blood sugar levels. Once your body over produces insulin it stores the excess as fat but then increases your craving for carbs. The carb craving happens because insulin levels drop your blood sugar level and the carbs would elevate your sugar levels. It is a vicious cycle that repeats itself and causes you to gain unwanted weight.


A very low carbohydrate diet allows your body to start a process called Ketosis. Ketosis is a process that burns stored fat for energy. This is why low carb and high protein diets work so well. You burn stored fat and consume enough protein so that the body does not burn stored muscle for energy. Do not confuse ketoacidosis as ketosis. This is a mistake that happens often. Ketoacidosis is condition that develops in people who have type 1 diabetes and can be very dangerous.

Low carb and high protein diets have proven their effectiveness and many diet plans like The Zone, South Beach, and Adkins have all used this method in some way to help many people lose a significant amount of weight. The amount of carbohydrates that you are allowed to ingest varies in each of the previous diet plans. When on a low carbohydrate diet the common element is to restrict your carbohydrate consumption to 20 percent of the calories that you eat. Not only are your restricting your carbohydrate intake, you also must restrict the type of carbohydrates that you consume. Mostly complex carbohydrates are forbidden. This means that sugar, flour, pasta, and other starches are off limit.

By substituting fresh vegetables for heavy foods like potatoes or pasta, a low carb dieter will reduce their carb intake and consume more fiber which helps the dieter keep from feeling hungry since fiber fills you up. Fiber is great for the digestive system, too. The proteins a low carb dieter will eat are recommended low fat options. Skinless chicken breast, fresh grilled fish, lean beef, low fat cheese and egg whites. Low carb diets do not leave you hungry since quite a bit of food can be eaten. You just have to eat the right foods. Most low carb diets consist of three smaller meals and three snacks. You will eat six times a day. This helps to regulate your blood sugar and reduce cravings. Typical snacks are almonds or cottage cheese with fresh fruit.

Please consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program. Choosing a low carb diet will not only help you reduce food cravings but will also help you burn unwanted fat and help increase your fiber intake which is great for your digestive system. Lower carb diets are a healthier way to eat.

High Protein Low Carb Diets Are Proven to Work



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