Friday, September 30, 2011

What is the Zone Diet?

What exactly is the Zone Diet? industrialized by Barry Sears, who has a Ph.D. In biochemistry, many enumerate it as a high protein, low carbohydrate weight loss plan. The nutrient breakdown advice of the diet is 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat (40:30:30). Some think it a low carb diet. Technically however, since the majority of the fat come from carbohydrates, there are those who would argue that it is not.

dietary supplements

Foods in the Diet


The foods in the diet are suppose to come from lean proteins such as chicken and turkey breast. The carbohydrates are to come from fruits and non-starchy vegetables and the fats from canola and olive oil.

Their are also many foods such as carrots, corn, bananas and baked goods that are restricted from the diet. Whole milk and dairy products are also not allowed.

Benefits of the diet

There are several benefits to the diet that supply motivation behind the diet's design:

Slow the absorption of carbohydrates Help stabilize insulin and lower blood glucose levels Lower total cholesterol risk Reduces hunger

Because of these factors, your risk to heart disease and diabetes are lowered. The fact that it helps to sell out hunger, which can be a major drawback of many other diets, is an added bonus.


The major drawback of the diet is that it restricts many foods that are considered nutritious. To make up for the nutrients loss from not eating these foods, Sears recommends dietary supplements.

Like many diets that go over the recommended amount of protein of the Usda, many dietitians take issue with the 30 percent of protein. This has to do with the concern that it may damage kidneys. This may not be a concern for those with general kidney functions, but it may be a concern for those with mild problems.

Another drawback of the diet is that it requires a good bit of measuring and calculating which in the beginning can be quite time consuming and confusing. To alleviate this, you can elect to buy the meals, which can run you around dollars a day.

Lastly, even though some studies have shown that it can sell out hunger, the diet may be hard to corollary long term since it is very calorie restricted. As for the seemingly contradiction, the studies followed the 40:30:30 principle, not the very low calorie restriction.

Overall Impression

The basic conception of the diet is fine. However, the restriction put on inescapable foods is troubling. When carrots, which is high in vitamin A, is off the list, you should be right at how closely you corollary the diet.

If you determine to corollary the diet, you may want to increase the fat as well as consist of nutritious foods that the diet restricts. As for how much to eat, staying at your Bmr is the best.

With a wee tweaking to take into your personal concerns, the Zone diet will undoubtedly help you lose weight in expanding to improving your comprehensive health.

What is the Zone Diet?



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